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Affinity designer halftone pattern free

His work has a strong translational component, asking if both classically and non-classically restricted T cells are associated with infection with M. The translational significance of this research is centred on informing the development of novel vaccines and diagnostics for childhood TB.
Her current research focuses on HIV broadly neutralising antibodies and their interplay with the evolving virus. Recent studies published in PloS Pathogens, Nature and Nature Medicine have highlighted the role of viral escape in creating new epitopes and immunotypes, thereby driving the development of neutralisation breadth, with implications for HIV vaccine design.
Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. Find out more. It works pretty well. Should have some vids of the carving up later this week. Been playing with that program since the days of the Shapeoko. It works very well once you get a handle on how to set it up. Generate colorful halftone drawings from your photos online. It can take a minute to get the design effect result, so please wait.
The more you increase the halftone size, the more you turn subtle the effect of this parameter. If you use big halftone sizes for small input images, probably you will. Get 5-star service and a money back guarantee. Beat Tones Halftone Brushes for Photoshop. Download 48 Blurred Fonts. Halftone Poster – in : Blurred. Halftone Poster Friends, today’s freebie is a set of 16 halftone tileable patterns in.
Amount of pull applied in direction of the travel of a web of paper by the action of a web-fed press. Acceptable degree of variation in a paper’s shipped weight, usually within 5 percent of the paper’s nominal weight. Water or dampness on the edge of the roll can weld or bond the paper together, which will then break on the infeed, a problem easily determined by the press crew.
The beginning of a paper machine that involves a slurry of fibers, fillers, and other additives and is most likely the most critical process area for successful production of the high quality and consistent end product. Category of finishes such as antique, eggshell, vellum applied to the wet paper web by machine rolls and the presses at the wet end of the papermaking machine.
Wet strength is measured most accurately as the percentage ratio of wet-tensile strength to dry-tensile strength. Once wet, ordinary papers lose most of their original dry-strength properties. Wet strength papers possess properties that resist disintegration and rupture when saturated with water.
Wet strength papers range in weight from tissue to paperboard. A material capable of lowering the surface tension of water and water solutions and increasing their wetting powers.
Unit at the end of the paper machine that takes the paper web from the reel, trims it, winds it into rolls and slits it to make smaller rolls if desired. At the wet end of the paper machine, a copper, bronze or synthetic screen that receives the suspension of water and fiber from the head-box.
The wire moves the suspension along to the dry end of the machine. In business forms, to stitch or fasten sheets to form a book or fastened set; may be side or saddle wired. A continuous double series of wire loops running through punched slots along the binding side of a booklet.
Opposite of felt side, this is the side of the paper that was against the wire during manufacture. A watermark will read backward from this side of the sheet. To print one side of a sheet of paper then turn the sheet over from left to right and print the second side.
The same gripper and plate are used for both sides. To print one side of a sheet of paper, then turn it over from gripper to back using the same side guide and plate to print the second side. Finish characterized by the impressions of a felt dandy roll covered in woven wire and without laid lines.
A device that dries paper as it comes off the wet end of the papermaking machine by pressing one side against a cylinder that steam-heats it and imparts a glazed finish at the same time. Hue off a subtractive primary and a 4-color process ink.
It reflects red and green light and absorbs blue light. Describes a transformation inherent to all vegetable fibers which is caused by aging.
Paper made of vegetable fibers will turn various degrees of yellow as its environment couples with aging to produce this phenomenon. Yellowing is very evident in groundwood papers and only a few hours in direct sunlight is enough to yellow newspaper. Folding used with continuous forms with alternating position head and foot. Commonly used to convert roll paper to easily managed flat-back. Home Resources Paper Glossary of Terms. Glossary of Paper Terms. A Abrasion Resistance The level at which paper can withstand continuous scuffing or rubbing.
Absorption The properties within paper that cause it to absorb liquids inks, water, etc. Accordion Fold A binding term describing a method of folding paper. Acetate Proof A transparent, acetate printing proof used to reproduce anticipated print colors on a transparent acetate sheet.
Acid Free Paper made in a neutral pH system, usually buffered with calcium carbonate. Acidity Degree of acid found in a given paper substance measured by pH level. Against the Grain A right angle to which the fiber direction of a piece of paper lies.
Airdried Paper Paper that is dried by circulating hot air around it with little or no tension or restraint on the paper. Aluminum Plate A metal press plate used for moderate to long runs in offset lithography to carry the image. Announcement Cards Cards of paper with matching envelopes generally used for social stationery, announcements, weddings, greetings, etc. Antique Finish A paper finish, usually used in book and cover papers, that has a tactile surface.
Artificial Parchment Paper produced with poorly formed formation. Artwork A general term used to describe materials prepared and readied for print. Ascenders The tops of lower case letters such as: b, d, h and t. B Back Cylinder Pressure Additional pressure applied through the impression cylinder assisting the image transfer to the press sheet. Backbone The back of a bound book; also called the spine. Backing Up Printing the reverse side of a sheet already printed on one side.
Band 1 A strip of paper, printed or unprinted, that wraps around loose sheets in lieu of binding with a cover or assembled pieces.
Barium Sulfate Substance used as a standard for white, in lieu of the availability of a practical percent reflecting diffuser. Baronial Envelope An envelope generally used with announcements. Base Color A first color used as a background on which other colors are printed. Base Stock Manufactured paper that will be further processed as laminated, Duplex Cover, Bristol Cover, or off machine embossed papers.
Baseline In typesetting, the invisible line on which letters and numbers set. Basic Size The standard sheet size of a given grade. Basis Weight The weight in pounds per ream of paper cut to its basic size in inches. Beater Blender type machine used to pulverize pulp and for mixing additives and color to the stock.
Beater Sized Process of adding sizing material to the pulp in the beater. Bindery A process of perforating, folding, trimming and eventually binding a printed piece.
Binding 1 Attaching sheets into a single unit by adhesives, sewing, stitching, metal prongs, snaps, etc. Binding Edge The edge where the binding will be done.
Black Printer In fourcolor process printing, the black plate made to give definition to neutral tones and detail. Blanket In offset lithography, the rubbercoated fabric clamped around the blanket cylinder, which transfers the image from plate to paper. Blanket Contamination Unwanted matter that becomes attached to the offset blanket and interferes with print quality. Blanket Creep Movement of the blanket surface that comes in contact with the printing plate or paper.
Blanket Cylinder The printing press cylinder on which the blanket is mounted. Blanket Pull The tack between blanket and paper. Bleach Chemical, usually chlorine, used to whiten pulp. Bleaching Chemical treatment to brighten, whiten, purify, refine, and balance pulp fiber. Bleed 1 In printing, printed image that runs off the edges of a page. Blind Embossing A printing technique in which a design is pushed forward without foil or ink. Blocking The sticking of piled printed sheets caused by wet ink.
Blocking Out Eliminating portions of negatives by opaquing the image. Blowup Enlargement from the original size. Blueprint In printing, a type of photoprint used as a proof. Boldface Thicker, visually heavier type vs. Darker type. Bond Paper Strong, durable writing paper, consisting of wood, cotton, or both, most commonly used for letterheads, stationery, business forms, etc… Bonding Strength The strength of the paper fibers to resistance of picking or tearing during offset printing.
Book Paper A general term used to define papers that are most suitable for book manufacture. Booklet A printed piece bound together, containing a few pages. Brightness A technical measurement of the light reflected back from a paper. Bristol Board A high quality heavy weight paper, sometimes made with cotton fiber prepared or glued together, usually with a caliper thickness of 0.
Broke Machine trim or undesirable paper that is returned to the beaters. Broken Carton An open carton of paper with some of its contents removed. Bulk Sheet thickness. High bulk sheets have fewer sheets per inch than low bulk. Bulking Dummy Unprinted sheets of actual paper folded in the signature size and signature number of a given job, to determine bulk. Bursting Strength The point to which paper can withstand pressure without rupturing.
Butted Joint Joining two webs of paper, placing them end-to-end and pasting a strip over and under to make a continuous sheet without overlapping.
C Caking When printing, the spots of ink pigments on printing plates or press rollers, due to the vehicle carrying the ink not being able to hold the pigment in suspension.
Calender Stacks A vertical series of steel rolls at the end of the paper machine to increase the smoothness of the paper. Calendering To impart a smooth finish on paper by passing the web of paper between polished metal rolls to increase gloss and smoothness.
Caliper The thickness of a sheet paper, in thousandths of an inch points or mils. Casebound A book bound with a hard, cover. Cellulose For paper manufacturing, the primary component of the cell walls of wood fibers. Cellulose fiber The fiber remaining after bleaching and pulping of wood used in making paper.
Center spread The facing pages in the center of a bound signature. Chain lines The lines on laid paper parallel with the grain; also referred to as “chain marks”.
Chalking Improper drying of ink. Character A type fonts letter, number, symbol or a blank space in typesetting. Character count The number of characters in a line of text, page or group of text. Chemical Ghosting A light duplication of a printed image on the other side of the same sheet, created by chemical reaction by the ink during the drying stages; also referred to as “Gas ghosting”.
Chemical Pulp Wood fiber cooked using chemicals producing a pulp used to manufacture numerous printing papers and paperboard products. Chip Board An inexpensive thick one-ply cardboard, typically made from recycled paper stock. Chlorine Chlorine and its compounds were commonly used to bleach fibers. Clear Formation Describes paper fibers that are uniformly dispersed within a sheet of paper -a characteristic of quality paper.
Close Formation Uniform density in a sheet of paper. Cloudy Formation Same as cloud effect; cloudy. Cockle Finish A rough, uneven, hard paper finish. Most frequently manufactured in bond papers. Cold Color A color on the bluish side. Collate In binding, gathering sections signatures in sequence for binding. Color Bars Printed bars of ink colors used to monitor a print image. Color Comp A mockup of a proposed layout used for presentations.
Color Correction Any method to improve color rendition. Color Fastness The ability of dyed paper to maintain in the presence of exposure to light, heat etc. Color Guide Instructions attached to artwork or disc with the location, percentage, and type of color required. Color Process Printing Printing done using cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks, each requiring its own negative and plate. Color Proofs Initial printed pieces pulled off the press for final approval.
Color Scanner electronic scanner A scanner that makes the color separation required in full color processing printing. Color Separation The method used in breaking down the primary colors needed to prepare plates for printing color work.
Commercial Match Paper manufactured to within acceptable tolerances of a sample provided to the mill. Commodity Papers A classification of low-quality bond and offset papers. Composite Image Multiple pictures images placed together to form a single, combined picture. Comprehensive Layout A simulation of a layout by a designer to show how the finished art work would appear. Comprehensive Proof Final proof presented in the format the printed piece will take. Condensed Face or Condensed Type A particular typeface that allows more print per line, as though the letters were squashed at their sides.
Conditioning Allowing paper to adjust itself to the temperature and humidity of the printing plant prior to use. Conservation The preservation and responsible use of our natural resources to ensure they endure.
Continuous Tone Tonal gradation without use of halftone dots. Converter Company that converts paper from its original form to usable products such as envelopes, label stock, announcements etc. Correspondence Papers Writing papers in attractive finishes, weights or colors.
Cotton Content Paper Papers utilizing cotton linters. Cotton Linters The cotton fibers that adhere to the cottonseed used to produce pulp for cotton fiber papers. Couch Roll On a paper making machine the equipment that helps remove excess water from the moving web of paper prior to the wet press section of a paper machine.
Cover Paper Durable, heavier weight papers, available in a variety of finishes and colors, used for the cover of pamphlets, annual reports, business cards, etc… Crop Marks Specifically placed marks attached to artwork that show the area to be printed.
Cropping Resizing original photographs or illustrations to a different size. Cross Direction The opposite direction of the grain of the paper.
Cross Grain Fold A fold at a right angle to the direction of the grain in the paper. Cross Machine Direction A line perpendicular to the direction the paper travels through the papermaking machine.
Curl Undesirable distortion or waviness occurring to the paper due to the presence of excess moisture or humidity. Cut to Register Term used for watermarked letterhead papers to indicate the watermark will be cut to appear in a predetermined position on the finished sheet.
Cutter Dust Paper dust resulting from cutting or trimming the paper which can transfer to printing blankets causing problems during a press run. Cyan process blue One of the four-process colors.
Cover Double-thick” describes a sheet of paper made by bonding two thicknesses of paper together resulting in an extra-stiff sheet. Damp Streaks Streaks caused by uneven pressing of drying during paper manufacturing.
Dampeners In lithography, cloth covered, parchment paper or rubber rollers that distribute the dampening to the press plate. Dampening Water, gum buffered acid, and various types of etches used to keep the non-image areas of the plate moist, and preventing them from accepting ink, in the lithographic printing process; also called fountain solution.
Dandy Roll 1 A plain roll situated above the wet web of the paper to provide a smoothing action to the top surface of the paper as it passes under the roll. Day-Glo Trade name for inks and papers containing fluorescent pigments. Debossing The process in which the image is recessed into the paper. Deckle On the wet end of the paper machine the straps or deckle rulers that prevent the fiber from overflowing the sides of the machine.
Deckle Edge Refers to the feathered edge on paper produced when fibers flow against the deckle or edge of the web. Decurler A device on a web press or sheeter used to remove paper curl. Decurling A paper decurling station on a sheeter or web press, used to remove paper curl. De-Inking A process which removes ink, toner, coatings and most fillers from recovered paper. Dirt Count The average amount of dirt in a specific size of paper area. Delamination A separation of the paper’s surface.
Delivery Area of the originating press where the freshly printed sheets are piled as they leave the impression section. Densitometer Reflection instrument measuring the density of colored ink to determine its consistency throughout a press run. Density Identifies the weight of paper compared to the volume; it is directly related to the paper’s absorbency, stiffness, and opacity.
Descender The parts of lower case letters that extend below the baseline. Die A design, letters, or pattern cut in metal for stamping, embossing or for diecutting. Die-Cutting Male and female dies are used to cut out paper or board in desired shapes. Digester Pressure vessel in which wood chips are cooked to separate fibers from each other and to remove detrimental particles. Dimensional Stability Characteristic of paper to retain its dimensions in all directions under the stress of production and adverse changes in humidity.
Dirt Dirt in paper consists of any imbedded foreign matter or specks, which contrast in color to the remainder of the sheet. Dished Concave rather than flat pile of paper. Also refers to roll ends of paper that are not flat. Distributor Company which purchases paper from mill for resale to printers and end-users. Dividers Tabbed sheets of index or other heavy stock, used to identify and separate specific sections of a book; used in loose-leaf and bound books. Dot Individual element of a halftone printing plate.
Dot Etching Handwork on engravings and lithographic screened halftone negatives for correcting tonal values in either black-and-white or color work.
Dot Slurring Smearing or elongation at the trailing edges of halftone dots. Dot Spread When halftone dots print larger than they were supposed to print. Dots, Halftone The individual subdivisions of a printed surface created with a halftone screen. Double Burning Combining the images on two or more films onto a single film to create a single image.
Double Varnish Two applications of press varnish. Double-Black Halftone Printing A means of extending the range of density available with printing ink by printing twice with black ink, using two specially prepared halftone negatives. Double-Deckle Paper A paper having parallel deckle edges. Double-Dot Halftone Two halftone negatives combined onto one printing plate, having greater tonal range than a conventional halftone negatives.
Double-Thick Cover Stock A cover stock composed of two sheets of cover stock laminated together. Doubling 1 In printing, a press problem that generally occurs when sheets make contact with the blanket twice, once just before the impression point and the second time at the impression point, resulting in a double image.
Doughnut Hickey A printing defect consisting of a solid printed area surrounded by an unprinted area. Downtime Duration of an unscheduled stoppage of machines or equipment printing presses, papermaking machines, typesetting equipment, etc. Drag Register trouble when the dot is enlarged toward the back nongripper edge of the sheet.
Draw-Down A term used to describe an ink chemist’s method of roughly determining coating or ink. Drier Any substance used to hasten drying of ink on paper. Driers Wet paper passes through these large cylindrical steam heated rolls that dry paper webs. Drilling Piercing of stacks of papers in a precision manner with round hollow drills at high speeds. Drop-Out In printing, halftone with no screen dots in the highlights or background.
Dry Back The color change which occurs when ink dries. Dry-End On the paper machine, it is the section where the dryers, cutters, slitters and reels are located. Dryer drying oven Oven on web offset press through which the web of printed paper passes after it leaves the final printing unit. Drying Time The time it takes for an ink to become rub- or tack-free. Dummy Page or set of pages assembled in the exact position, form and style desired for the finished piece of printed work.
Duotone Two-color halftone reproduction from black-and-white original. Duplex Laminated paper having a different color or finish on each side. If the maximum number of desktop users allowed have already been allocated, the service provider must purchase a license separately. The Font Software may be exchanged only if defective.
If you wish to claim a refund, you must a certify that no copy of the Font Software remains in your possession or control and b provide proof of a valid sale and a valid sales receipt from True Grit Texture Supply.
Licensee may not assert any ownership in the Font Software itself nor any right to revenue from a collecting society in respect of photocopying, digital copying or other secondary uses of the Font Software.
Any reference to the “purchase” or “sale” or similar terms of the Font Software refers to the purchase of a limited license only and not the purchase of the underlying copyright or work itself.
Except as stated herein, this Agreement does not grant you any rights to trademark or any other intellectual property rights in the Font Software or in any typeface design.
In the event of termination, and without limitation of any remedies under law and equity, you agree to immediately return or destroy the Font Software, at the discretion of True Grit Texture Supply and certify that no copy remains in your possession or control.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold True Grit Texture Supply and their suppliers including any designers of the Font Software harmless from and against any losses, damages, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, from any claim by a third party arising from or related to your breach of this Agreement or your act, error, or omission.
You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement and understand it and that by using the Font Software, you will be bound by its terms and conditions. We’ve sent you an email with a link to update your password. Forgot password.
New account. Reset your password. Submit Cancel. Your Cart. Pause slideshow Play slideshow. Image slide Tell your brand’s story through video and images. Must-have texture tools. Color Formula Brushes. For Comics. For Multiple Apps. The Rusty Nib. Distressed Inking Brushes.
Infinite Pulp Seamless Paper Textures. Grain Shader Brush Set. Beat Tones. Distressed Halftone Brushes.
Free Vector Halftone – 62 royalty free vector graphics and clipart matching replace.mered Images by iStock. Page 1 of Free Vector “Halftone”.It’s simple and easy to use; Customizable – turn on and off the sound; It’s a completely free name generator or, as we like to call it, a free online spinner available for everyoneHalftonePro – Vector Halftone Pattern Generator . Halftones in Affinity Designer. 6 years ago. Dan Robinson Plus. Quick tutorial for creating the dot screen-style halftones. Affinity Designer for iPad has been a total game-changer for my surface design process. Not only does it enable you to do precise movements with the transform tool, which makes your repeat pattern pixel perfect (goodbye pixel lines and offset repeat elements!) but you can also see a live preview of your pattern as you create it, so you never have to wonder if a repeat . May 23, · This is a massive bundle of Affinity Designer brushes that every illustrator and artist should have in their toolkit. It includes 80 different Affinity Designer brushes featuring ink, dots, dashes, waves, and many other styles of brushes you can use with various types of design work. The bundle also includes 20 seamless pattern files for free. Choose Yellow. Color your Red layer with the Red Swatch and the Red Brushes. Select the Red layer. Open the swatch panel. Choose the Red swatch. Select a Red brush. Color the areas that you want red. Choose your Blue layer with the Blue .
Affinity Designer for iPad has been a total game-changer for my surface design process. Not only does it enable you to do precise movements with the transform tool, which makes your repeat pattern pixel perfect (goodbye pixel lines and offset repeat elements!) but you can also see a live preview of your pattern as you create it, so you never have to wonder if a repeat . Halftones in Affinity Designer. 6 years ago. Dan Robinson Plus. Quick tutorial for creating the dot screen-style halftones. Choose Yellow. Color your Red layer with the Red Swatch and the Red Brushes. Select the Red layer. Open the swatch panel. Choose the Red swatch. Select a Red brush. Color the areas that you want red. Choose your Blue layer with the Blue . May 23, · This is a massive bundle of Affinity Designer brushes that every illustrator and artist should have in their toolkit. It includes 80 different Affinity Designer brushes featuring ink, dots, dashes, waves, and many other styles of brushes you can use with various types of design work. The bundle also includes 20 seamless pattern files for free.
The properties within paper that cause it to absorb liquids inks, water, etc. A binding term describing a method of folding paper. When unfolded it looks like the folds of an accordion. A transparent, acetate printing proof used to reproduce anticipated print colors on a transparent acetate sheet. Also called color overleaf proof.
Paper made in a neutral pH system, usually buffered with calcium carbonate. This increases the longevity of the paper. Degree of acid found in a given paper substance measured by pH level. From 0 to 7 is classified acid as opposed to 7 to 14, which is classified alkaline. A right angle to which the fiber direction of a piece of paper lies. Folding with, not against, the grain is recommended. Paper that is dried by circulating hot air around it with little or no tension or restraint on the paper.
This gives the paper a hard cockle finish typical of bond papers. Liquids added to the fountain solution of a printing press to reduce the surface tension of water. Cards of paper with matching envelopes generally used for social stationery, announcements, weddings, greetings, etc. A paper finish, usually used in book and cover papers, that has a tactile surface. Usually used in natural white or creamwhite colors. Extra space at the binding edge of a foldout, usually on a French fold, which allows folding and tipping without interfering with the copy.
Additional pressure applied through the impression cylinder assisting the image transfer to the press sheet. Substance used as a standard for white, in lieu of the availability of a practical percent reflecting diffuser. Manufactured paper that will be further processed as laminated, Duplex Cover, Bristol Cover, or off machine embossed papers.
The weight in pounds per ream of paper cut to its basic size in inches. A metric system is used outside of North America. The operations that comprise collating, perforating, and folding the elements of a form into the finished product. In fourcolor process printing, the black plate made to give definition to neutral tones and detail. In offset lithography, the rubbercoated fabric clamped around the blanket cylinder, which transfers the image from plate to paper.
In printing, a type of photoprint used as a proof. It can be folded to show how the finished printed product will look. Strong, durable writing paper, consisting of wood, cotton, or both, most commonly used for letterheads, stationery, business forms, etc….
A high quality heavy weight paper, sometimes made with cotton fiber prepared or glued together, usually with a caliper thickness of 0. Unprinted sheets of actual paper folded in the signature size and signature number of a given job, to determine bulk. Joining two webs of paper, placing them end-to-end and pasting a strip over and under to make a continuous sheet without overlapping. When printing, the spots of ink pigments on printing plates or press rollers, due to the vehicle carrying the ink not being able to hold the pigment in suspension.
A vertical series of steel rolls at the end of the paper machine to increase the smoothness of the paper. To impart a smooth finish on paper by passing the web of paper between polished metal rolls to increase gloss and smoothness. Improper drying of ink. Ink vehicle has been absorbed too rapidly into the paper leaving a dry, weak pigment layer which dusts easily.
A light duplication of a printed image on the other side of the same sheet, created by chemical reaction by the ink during the drying stages; also referred to as “Gas ghosting”. Wood fiber cooked using chemicals producing a pulp used to manufacture numerous printing papers and paperboard products. Papers manufactured with chemical pulp are called “free-sheet” papers. Chlorine and its compounds were commonly used to bleach fibers.
This has been mostly eliminated. Virgin fibers are generally ECF, meaning no elemental chlorine or TCF meaning the bleaching is done with hydrogen peroxide, oxygen or ozone. Recycled fibers are generally PCF, meaning they were put back into the paper without the use of any chlorine or its compounds.
Describes paper fibers that are uniformly dispersed within a sheet of paper -a characteristic of quality paper. Same as cloud effect; cloudy. Opposite of close formation. Indicates unevenness and lack of uniformity of fiber structure.
Printed bars of ink colors used to monitor a print image. These bars show the amount of ink to be applied by the press, the registration, and the densities across the press sheet.
Instructions attached to artwork or disc with the location, percentage, and type of color required. Printing done using cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks, each requiring its own negative and plate. Also called process color or four-color process. The method used in breaking down the primary colors needed to prepare plates for printing color work.
A particular typeface that allows more print per line, as though the letters were squashed at their sides. Allowing paper to adjust itself to the temperature and humidity of the printing plant prior to use.
Company that converts paper from its original form to usable products such as envelopes, label stock, announcements etc. Papers utilizing cotton linters. Today most cotton content papers are made for letterhead applications. The cotton fibers that adhere to the cottonseed used to produce pulp for cotton fiber papers. As a byproduct of the cotton industry, EPA recognizes it as recovered fiber.
On a paper making machine the equipment that helps remove excess water from the moving web of paper prior to the wet press section of a paper machine. Durable, heavier weight papers, available in a variety of finishes and colors, used for the cover of pamphlets, annual reports, business cards, etc…. A line perpendicular to the direction the paper travels through the papermaking machine.
Also referred to as Cross direction or Cross grain. Undesirable distortion or waviness occurring to the paper due to the presence of excess moisture or humidity.
Term used for watermarked letterhead papers to indicate the watermark will be cut to appear in a predetermined position on the finished sheet. Also referred to as a localized watermark. Paper dust resulting from cutting or trimming the paper which can transfer to printing blankets causing problems during a press run.
Double-thick” describes a sheet of paper made by bonding two thicknesses of paper together resulting in an extra-stiff sheet. In lithography, cloth covered, parchment paper or rubber rollers that distribute the dampening to the press plate.
Water, gum buffered acid, and various types of etches used to keep the non-image areas of the plate moist, and preventing them from accepting ink, in the lithographic printing process; also called fountain solution.
As the wet paper web passes under the turning watermark dandy the designs are impressed into the paper and a permanent watermark is left in the sheet. On the wet end of the paper machine the straps or deckle rulers that prevent the fiber from overflowing the sides of the machine. The deckle determines how wide the paper on a particular machine will be. Refers to the feathered edge on paper produced when fibers flow against the deckle or edge of the web.
Deliberately produced for aesthetic purposes, a deckle edge is found especially on formal stationery and announcements. A deckle edge can be created by an air jet, or also by a stream of water. A process which removes ink, toner, coatings and most fillers from recovered paper. The environmental priority is to make this process TCF, totally chlorine free.
The average amount of dirt in a specific size of paper area. Both virgin and recycled sheets have “dirt,” although recycled paper has significantly higher dirt counts.
The dirt should always be small enough not to interfere with the quality of the finished printed piece. Area of the originating press where the freshly printed sheets are piled as they leave the impression section. Reflection instrument measuring the density of colored ink to determine its consistency throughout a press run.
Identifies the weight of paper compared to the volume; it is directly related to the paper’s absorbency, stiffness, and opacity. Pressure vessel in which wood chips are cooked to separate fibers from each other and to remove detrimental particles. Characteristic of paper to retain its dimensions in all directions under the stress of production and adverse changes in humidity. Dirt in paper consists of any imbedded foreign matter or specks, which contrast in color to the remainder of the sheet.
Company which purchases paper from mill for resale to printers and end-users. Usually a distributor has protected or franchised product lines and territories.
Inventory, warehousing, distribution and transportation of product are among the many services offered to paper buyers. Also called a merchant. Tabbed sheets of index or other heavy stock, used to identify and separate specific sections of a book; used in loose-leaf and bound books. Handwork on engravings and lithographic screened halftone negatives for correcting tonal values in either black-and-white or color work.
A means of extending the range of density available with printing ink by printing twice with black ink, using two specially prepared halftone negatives. Also called double-black duotone. Two halftone negatives combined onto one printing plate, having greater tonal range than a conventional halftone negatives. One negative reproduces highlight and shadows, the other middle tones.
Areas of interest span the basic sciences of chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology, through to pharmacology and clinical medicine, in the areas of mycobacterial pathogenesis and TB drug discovery research.
Honorary Professor at UCT. His primary research interests are C-type lectin receptors and their role in homeostasis and immunity, with a particular focus on antifungal immunity. His research interests revolve around investigating immune regulation and dysregulation in the context of HIV infection or exposure. He focuses on Immune ontogeny in HIV exposed infants, placental investigations and pre-term birth, and epithelial immunity in the foreskin. Her Research Unit is involved with clinical research, epidemiology and operational research, and is a treatment site for HIV infected adults and children.
Her research interests include HIV vaccine research, microbicide research and other biomedical and behavioural interventions, and she is an investigator in testing two HIV vaccine regimens in late stage clinical development. He has been an author on over manuscripts in the field of infectious diseases and has an extensive track record in infectious diseases research and practice covering clinical, laboratory and epidemiological aspects.
He is an HIV and TB immunologist focused on studying the immune response to these pathogens in affected tissues, and how this relates to what can be observed from the blood. The research goal is to improve understanding of the immunopathology of TB and HIV, using this information to aid in developing novel therapeutic approaches and diagnostic biomarkers. His research has centered on understanding the mechanisms by which the human immune system recognises the Mycobacterium tuberculosis M.
His work has a strong translational component, asking if both classically and non-classically restricted T cells are associated with infection with M. The translational significance of this research is centred on informing the development of novel vaccines and diagnostics for childhood TB.
Her current research focuses on HIV broadly neutralising antibodies and their interplay with the evolving virus. Recent studies published in PloS Pathogens, Nature and Nature Medicine have highlighted the role of viral escape in creating new epitopes and immunotypes, thereby driving the development of neutralisation breadth, with implications for HIV vaccine design.
Research interest in tuberculosis and in developing and testing point of care diagnostics suitable for the developing world. More specifically, the reconstitution of the immune response during antiretroviral treatment, in order to identify correlates of protection including immune mechanisms that lead to reduced susceptibility to TB , and pathogenesis such as the Tuberculosis-Associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome, TB-IRIS ; the biosignature of the TB infection spectrum, from latent infection to active disease; preventing TB infection in HIV infected people more effectively; and the pathogenesis of tuberculous meningitis and pericarditis.
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True Grit Texture Supply.Affinity designer halftone pattern free
Narrow stair gate 68cm Free Vector Halftone – 62 royalty free vector graphics and clipart matching halftone. Sponsored Images by iStock. Page 1 of Free Vector ” Halftone “. It’s simple and easy to use; Customizable – turn on and off the sound; It’s a completely free name generator or, as we like to call it, a free online spinner available for everyoneHalftonePro – Vector Halftone Pattern Generator HalftonePro is a graphic design tool that creates vector halftone patterns from image or gradient.
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A Halftone screen is the size and positioning of the dots that make up a Halftone. Drag your finger right to increase the size of the Halftone applied across the image.
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An ink-receptive image on the lithographic press plate; the design or drawing on stone or a metal plate. A generic term for any printing process in which the image area and the nonimage area exist on the same plane plate and are separated by chemical repulsion.
Achieved by arranging the design on the dandy roll to leave a watermark at a predetermined place on the sheet.
A mark or symbol created for an individual, company, or product that translates the impression of the body it is representing into a graphic image. An ink that has good flow on ink rollers of a press.
If the ink is too long, it breaks up into filaments on the press, and causes flying as on a newspaper press. A popular style of binding, in which the spine binding material is not glued to the binding edge of the sheets.
Refers to papers somewhat thinner than the usual papers of the same weight, having a smooth surface, and which is a “thin” sheet. Symbol in the paper industry designating 1, Usually used to designate 1, sheets or two reams of fine paper. Establishes the grain direction, which is always parallel with the travel of the paper over the wire.
Process of drying paper on the paper machine as opposed to air drying the paper after removal from the machine. Finish that is obtained while the paper is on the paper machine. Expressed as M. Different finishes are obtained by the number of times paper is passed through the rollers, either dry or wet. Hue of a subtractive primary and a 4-color process ink. It reflects or transmits blue and red light and absorbs green light. In printing presses, all work done prior to running; adjusting the feeder, grippers, side guide, putting ink in the fountain, etc.
Also, in letterpress, the building up of the press form, so that the heavy and light areas print with the correct impression. Making orders for special sizes, colors and weights of paper are subject to small minimums. The unprinted area around the edges of a page. The margins as designated in book specifications refer to the remaining margins after the book has been trimmed. In color separation photography, an intermediate photographic negative or positive used in color correction.
In offset lithography, opaque material used to protect open or selected areas of a printing plate during exposure. In papermaking, groundwood pulp produced by mechanically grinding logs or wood chips. It is used mainly for newsprint and as an ingredient of base stock for lower grade publication papers.
Paper which is brand-named by the manufacturer as opposed to the merchant house, which is known as a “private brand”. Wastepaper generated from offices, such as letters, memos, invoices, etc. This is the major source of post consumer fiber used in recycled papers. Geometric pattern caused when two screened images are superimposed at certain angles.
Occurs when making a halftone from a halftone image. Refers to the amount of moisture found in a sheet of paper. This figure varies from sheet to sheet since paper will emit or absorb moisture according to the condition of the surrounding atmosphere. Moisture loss is realized in the form of shrinkage, which begins at the edges of the paper and moves across the grain causing the sheet to tighten and curl.
Device that measures the bursting strength of paper. Sometimes referred to as the pop test or pop tester. In photography, film containing an image in which the values of the original are reversed so that the dark areas in the subject appear light on the film and vice versa.
Offset papers manufactured with a pH of 6. Neutral pH factors are built into paper as a minimum value, to increase stability and improve permanence for use in printing of archival records.
Refers to the basis weight of the paper. Proofs made by photomechanical or digital means in less time and at lower cost than press proofs. See set-off. In printing, the process of using an intermediate blanket cylinder to transfer an image from the image carrier to the substrate. Short for offset lithography. The most common form of lithographic printing in which the image area and the nonimage area exist on the same plane plate , separated by chemical repulsion.
To print, the ink is “offset” transferred from the plate onto a rubber blanket and then to the paper. Process of printing utilizing a lithographic plate on which the images or designs are ink receptive while the remainder of the plate is water receptive. Ink is transferred from the plate to a rubber blanket on the printing press and this rubber blanket transfers the image to paper. It is sometimes referred to as offset lithography or photo-offset.
The amount of “show through” in a sheet from one side to the other. The higher the opacity the less likely that the printing on one side will be visible from the other side. The more opaque a sheet of paper is, the less transparent it is. High opacity in printing papers is a good characteristic as print from the other side of a printed leaf has less “show-through”. Optical brighteners or fluorescent dyes are extensively used to make high, bright blue-white papers.
They absorb invisible ultraviolet light and convert to visible light, falling into the blue to violet portion of the spectrum, which is then reflected back to our eyes. A dye that is added to the fiber stock or applied to the paper surface at the size press to enhance its brightness.
Paper rolls that are not suitable for the web offset press because they are not perfectly round and will cause uneven feeding tension. Refers to paper that has been trimmed improperly thus causing the corners to be less or more than 90 degrees. This leads to difficulty during the printing process and often results in misregister of the printed piece. Also called off-square. Describes printing when too much ink has been used, resulting in heavy print that tends to blur toward the back of the press sheet.
Packing the plate or blanket to a level that is excessively above the level of the cylinder bearer. Quantity of paper that is manufactured beyond the quantity specified.
In printing, copies printed in excess of the specified quantity. A chemical reaction which hardens the ink vehicle and makes the film of ink reasonably rub-proof. The process of combining with oxygen. In printing presses, the paper or other material used to underlay a press blanket or plate, to bring the surface to the desired height; the method of adjusting squeeze pressure. In stripping, assembly of all elements to make up a page. In digital imaging, the electronic assembly of page elements to compose a complete page with all elements in place on a video display terminal and on film or plate.
A wooden platform with stringers wide enough to allow a fork lift to drive into it and lift; used to pack cartons for shipment, if specified by the customer. Pallets are usually not reusable.
Measure of the printability of a sheet of paper which is dependent upon the amount of ink the paper absorbs, the smoothness of its surface, and the evenness of its caliper. A paper used for greeting cards, stationery, etc…which is distinctive from regular stock in that special watermarks and embossing may be used. Pasted grades are those grades of paper or paperboard made up of layers pasted together.
The process is machine operation used to combine sheets of the same or different papers into a single thickness. Those inks that set-up faster and dry faster, usually from top to bottom. These inks are used when sheets have to be sent back through the press faster than normal drying time will allow.
Printing with four half-tone images at different screen angles using four different colors. Usually the four colors would have a color slant or cast towards a selected tone or color; for example a sepia-tone or overall brown slant or cast. Today it is usually referred to as cotton fiber paper.
It is made from cotton cuttings and linters. Pile of paper is ream marked by the insertion of small slips of paper or “ream markers” at intervals of every sheets. Scrap paper collected for remanufacturing into recycled paper. Printing waste and envelope trip are also recovered fiber. This means the product can be recycled. This applies to most paper even if it is coated, waxed or other wise treated.
Paper made at least in part from recovered fibers. There is no universally acceptable definition so requirements vary by specific circumstances. EPA requires post consumer content in recycled papers purchased by federal agencies. But the FTC does not require post-consumer content in papers labeled recycled.
In Canada most companies use the terra-choice definition for recycle which does require minimum levels of post-consumer fiber. In printing inks, varnishes, solvents, oily or greasy compounds used to reduce the consistency for printing. In photography, chemicals used to reduce the density of negative or positive images or the size of halftone dots dot etching.
In photography, illustrative copy that is viewed and must be photographed by light reflected from its surface. Examples are photographs, drawings, etc…. In printing, register is the placement of two or more images on the same paper in such a manner as to make them in perfect alignment with each other. When a printing job is in exact register succeeding forms or colors can be printed in the correct position relative to the images already printed on the sheet.
Mark placed on a form to assist in proper positioning of after-printing operations. Two short lines at right angles are called an angle mark. Also, bulls-eye marks placed on camera-ready copy to assist in registration of subsequent operations. Alignment of one element of a form in relation to another. Also, alignment of printed images upon the same sheet of paper. The amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere expressed as a percentage of the maximum that could be present at the same temperature.
The ability to keep photo film and the images thereon in proper register. Repeatability is usually measured in micrometers. In lithography, a term denoting that the ink does not adhere to the metal ink rollers on a press. Printing press in which the plate is wrapped around a cylinder. There are two types, direct and indirect. Direct presses print with a plate cylinder and an impression cylinder. Indirect rotary presses sheet-fed offset presses combine a plate cylinder, a blanket cylinder and an impression cylinder.
Intaglio process. The image is below the surface of the plate. Letterhead image is raised the offset image is flat. Not the same as printability. Binding process for pamphlets or booklets, which works by stapling through the middle fold of the sheets saddle wire. The process and the resulting line or crease mechanically impressed in the paper to facilitate folding while guarding against cracking of paper and board.
Scoring is essential when heavyweight papers are to be folded. The ruling used to determine the dots per unit area in developing tonal values in the printed piece. Screens from which letterpress halftones of photographs are made range from 60 lines-per-inch for printing on newsprint to lines for printing on coated paper and premium uncoated paper.
Offset halftones for printing on most surfaces range from lines to lines. In color reproduction, angles at which the halftone screens are placed with relation to one another, to avoid undesirable moire patterns. This printing process uses a screen of fine-mesh silk thus the common name silk screen printing taughtly stretched across a frame. A squeegee drawn across the screen forces ink through the open image areas which are cut-out by hand using lacquered tissue prior to its adherence to the silk.
Special photographic negatives are adhered to the screen when faithful reproduction of intricate designs are sought. The density difference between the highlight and shadow areas of copy that a halftone screen can reproduce without a flash exposure.
A halftone film having a uniform dot size over its area, and rated by its approximate printing dot size value, such as 20 percent, 50 percent, etc. See rub-off, The disrupted appearance of an ink film as a result of abrasion to either the wet or dry ink film. A term referring to the press plate picking up ink in the nonprinting areas for a variety of reasons, basically due to spots or areas not remaining desensitized.
Term often applied to cut size sheets which are packaged “ream sealed”, sheets to the package. Process of allowing paper to adjust to atmospheric conditions of the plant in which it will be used. A cover for mechanical binding that is a single piece scored and slotted or punched for combining with the mechanical binding device, formatting a closed backbone on bound units.
In platemaking, the distance from the front edge of the press plate to the image area, to allow for clamping to the cylinder and also for the gripper margin. The undesirable transfer of ink from freshly printed sheets of paper to another. Also called off-set. A sheet drawn in Plate Prep on the Craftsman table from computer specifications; used as a master for the layout and positioning of pages on the job for which it was drawn.
A popular style of bookbinding; in which the signatures are gathered in sequence and then sewn individually in 8s, 16s, or 32s. The sewing threads are visible at the center of each signature. Strips of reinforcing cloth sewn to the spine of the book sections and extending slightly past the edge of the spine; used to strengthen the binding of a casebound book. To decrease in color strength, as when halftone dots become smaller; opposite of dot spread or dot gain.
Term which may be applied to a single sheet, a grade of paper, or a description of paper, i. Directly related to poor surface strength in that if the sheet has poor surface strength, delamination will occur in the printing process. Sheet delamination could also create a problem of a blanket smash. If the delamination is large enough and thick enough, as the press continues to run, it will create a depression in the blanket, so that when the delamination buildup is removed from the blanket the depression will remain, rendering the blanket unusable.
These defects pertain to both sheet-fed and web-fed equipment. In paper manufacture, rotary unit over which the web of paper passes to be cut into sheets. In printing, rotary knife at the delivery end of web press that slices press lengths. To print one side of a sheet of paper with one plate, then turn the sheet over and print the other side with another plate using same gripper and opposite side guide.
Undercooked wood particles that are removed from the pulp before manufacture of paper begins. Sometimes shives will appear as imperfections in the finished sheets. In printing, the undesirable condition in which the printing on the reverse side of a sheet can be seen through the sheet under normal lighting conditions.
Decrease in the dimensions of a sheet of paper or loss incurred in weight between the amount of pulp used and paper produced. On sheet-fed presses, a guide on the feed board to position the sheet sideways as it feeds into the front guides before entering the impression cylinder. A method of binding in which the folded signatures or cut sheets are stitched with wire along and through the side, close to the gutter margin.
Pages cannot be fully opened to a flat position; also called side wire. Additive substances applied to the paper either internally through the beater or as a coating that improves printing qualities and resistance to liquids. Commonly used sizes are starch and latex. Also used to ship materials, usually in cartons which have been strapped banded to the skid.
Placing pieces of paper between folded sections prior to trimming four sides, to separate completed books. A combination dot gain and slur indicator supplied in positive or negative form.
It is a quality control device that shows at a glance dot gain or dot loss. It also demonstrates whether the gain or the loss occurs in contacting, platemaking, proofing or on the press. An area of a blanket that is no longer firm and resilient, and that gives a light impression in the center of a well printed area.
Usually caused by physical damage of the blanket at impression. The binding operation following sewing in which the folded and sewn sheets are compressed to tighten the fold free of air to make the front and back of the sheets the same thickness.
A press condition in which the impression is slurred and unclear, because too much ink was used or sheets were handled or rubbed before the ink was dry. Prior to reaching the driers, the paper web is smoothed, if necessary, by two rolls working together. The flatness of a sheet of paper, which generally determines the crispness of the image printed upon it.
A method of fastening side-by-side signatures so that each is linked with thread to its neighbor, as well as saddlesewn through its own centerfold. Smyth-sewn books open flat. The stitching is on the back of the fold. A camera term describing halation or fringe around the edge of a dot which is excessive and almost equals the area of the dot itself. In composition, type set without space leading between the lines. Spec’d copy gives details of items such as paper, bindery techniques, type, etc.
Paper or board that is manufactured, or subsequently converted, for a specific use. These grades usually cannot be used for anything other than their intended special purpose. The designer or printing production worker who determines the types of paper to be used under various circumstances. Sophisticated instrument that measures color across a visible spectrum and produces data describing the color of a given sample in terms of the three parameters in color space. The complete range of colors in the rainbow, from short wavelengths blue to long wavelengths red.
Smallest visible point that can be displayed or printed. The smallest diameter of light that a scanner can detect, or an image-setter or printer can image. Dot should not be confused with spot. Press varnish applied to a portion of the sheet, as opposed to an overall application of the varnish. Fine opaquing such as in removing pinholes or other small transparent defects in a negative; also called Opaquing.
A term used to describe paper that has been seasoned so that the moisture content is the same as the air surrounding it. Pressing a design onto a book cover using metal foil, colored foil, or ink, applied with metal dies.
Terms used to indicate the manufactured specifications of a paper. Includes color, basis weight, sheet dimensions, and grain direction. An electrical charge frequently found in paper which is too dry or which has been affected by local atmospheric conditions. In printing presses , an attachment designed to remove the static electricity from the paper to avoid ink setoff and trouble with feeding the paper.
In multiple imposition on a lithographic press plate, the procedure of repeating the exposure of a flat by stepping it along the gripper edge; side-by-side exposure. In multiple imposition on a lithographic press plate, the procedure of repeating the exposure of a flat by stepping it back from the gripper edge of the plate; up-and-down exposure. A popular method of sewing the signatures of a book together by stitching all the sheets at one time, either through the center of the inserted sheets or side-stitched from front to back.
A very strong style of binding but not flexible as compared with sewing. A digital screening process that converts images into very small dots microns of equal size and variable spacing.
Second order screened images have variable size dots and variable spacing. Also called Frequency Modulated FM screening. General term with many meanings. Papers manufactured in popular sizes, weights, colors, etc. Paper distributor that stocks in his own warehouse facilities enough paper to immediately fill anticipated orders in the market.
This eliminates the delay of ordering from the paper manufacturer, taking delivery, and delivering to the customer. An application of opaque to photographic negatives; also the application of special lacquer to protect areas in positives in dot etching; staging of halftone plates during relief etching; protecting certain areas of deep-etched plates so that no ink will be deposited on the protected areas. A type of press feeder that keeps several sheets of paper, overlapping each other, moving toward the grippers.
Stretch properties are essential for paper to fold well and to resist stress in use. Stretch resistance is measured on tensile testing instruments. An envelope made with two reinforced paper buttons, one on the flap and the other on the back of the envelope. To close, a string which is locked under the flap button is wound alternately around the two buttons. Device that removes water from the paper machine by a suction action located beneath the wire at the wet end.
Alkaline process of cooking pulp also known as the kraft process. Wood chips are cooked to a high brightness without fiber degradation in a substance of sodium sulfate and sodium sulfide. Alternating rolls of highly polished steel and compressed cotton in a stack. During the process the paper is subjected to the heated steel rolls and “ironed” by the compressed cotton rolls.
It imparts a high, gloss finish to the paper. Super calender stacks are not an inherent part of the paper machine whereas the calender rolls are. One of the two basic types of lithographic press plates; a colloid image is formed on the light-sensitized metal plate by the action of actinic light passing through photographic negatives.
Term applied to paper that has been sized by applying a sizing agent when the web of paper is partially dry. Purpose is to increase resistance to ink penetration. Also called overprint. Same as sample book. A grouping of papers, usually in bound form, that displays the weights, colors, finishes and other particulars of a collection of papers to aid in the selection of grades. Abbreviation indicating that the paper has been guillotine trimmed on all four sides.
Literal translation: trimmed four sides. A file format for graphics suited for representing scanned images and other large bitmaps. TIFF is a neutral format designed for compatibility with all applications.
Includes both virgin and post-consumer fibers that are bleached without any chlorine containing compounds. The ability of a paper to resist tearing when subjected to rigorous production demands of manufacturing, printing, binding and its conversion from flat sheets into envelopes, packaging materials, etc.
Tensile strength relates to the stress and strain to which paper is subjected in its many end use applications. It is defined as the maximum force required to break a paper strip of a given width under prescribed laboratory conditions. Tensile strength is usually defined as pounds-per-inch width of the testing strip, or as kilograms per millimeter width. Tensile strength is measured in both the grain and cross-grain directions, however, it is always greater in the grain direction. A general term applied to various grades of printing paper designed for deluxe printed booklets, programs, announcements and advertising.
Letterpress printing in which a special ink, while still wet, is dusted with a resinous powder. Then the sheets are baked fusing the powder with the ink, giving it a raised effect. Made by steaming wood chips prior to and during refining, producing a higher yield and stronger pulp than regular groundwood. Printing plate with customized surfaces to print solid colors or patterns, stipple line or dot arrangements in tints of inks.
Tint blocks are also used to deepen colors in an illustration. An all-over color tint on the press sheet in the nonimage area of the sheet, caused by ink pigment dissolving in the dampening solution. Chemical substance used as loading or coating material to increase the whiteness and brightness of a sheet and contribute to its opacity. Designates the felt side of a sheet of paper. The top side of a sheet is the side not against the wire during manufacture. A printing ink which does not conceal the color beneath.
Process inks are transparent so that they will blend to form other colors. The ability to print a wet ink film over previously printed ink. Dry trapping is printing wet ink on dry paper or over dry ink. Wet trapping is printing wet ink over previously printed wet ink. Sizing added to the surface of paper by passing a web through a tub or bath of sizing, removing the excess, and drying.
In printing presses, a device for stopping or tripping the press when more than one sheet attempts to feed into the grippers. In paper, the property denoting difference in appearance and printability between its top felt and bottom wire sides. Printing the same page or group of pages from two sets of plates, thereby producing two impressions of the same matter at one time.
Printing and binding in such a way that two books are bound as one, then cut apart into separate books. To improve trapping and reduce ink costs in the process color web printing, color separation films are reduced in color in areas where all three colors overprint and the black film is increased an equivalent amount in these areas. Term refers to an order produced or delivered that is less than the quantity specified by the customer.
Allowances are permitted in trade practices for under-runs. Refers to the combination of inking, plate and impression operations to print each color.
A 4-color press has 4 printing units each with its own inking, plate and impression functions. Ultra Violet radiation method of drying process color inks on high-speed multicolor offset presses.
In printing, solventless inks that are cured by UV radiation. They are used extensively in screen printing, narrow web letterpress and flexographic printing.
Thin, protective coating applied to a printed sheet of paper for protection or improved appearance. Term usually applied to a paper finish that exhibits a toothy surface which is very similar to eggshell or antique finishes. A vellum finish is relatively absorbent to provide good ink penetration. Very strong, good quality cream colored or natural paper made to impersonate calfskin parchment.
Also, the term is often applied to the finish of paper rather than a grade of paper. Stationery is often referred to as vellum. Also, translucent paper used by architects and artists are often referred to as Velum. A term referring to the impression of a design, pattern or symbol in a sheet while it is being formed on the paper machine wire. It appears in the finished sheet as either a lighter or darker area than the rest of the paper. Two types of watermarks are available. A shaded watermark is produced by a dandy roll located at or near the suction box on the Fourdrinier.
The desired design is pressed into the wire covering the surface of the dandy roll similar to an intaglio engraving. As the wet pulp moves along the web the dandy roll presses down and creates an accumulation of fibers, thus the watermark is seen as being darker than the rest of the sheet.
The second type of watermark, called a wire mark, is accomplished by impressing a dandy roll with a raised surface pattern into the moving paper web in a similar manner to the shaded mark. This creates an area with less fiber making it lighter and more translucent. Watermarks come in a variety of placement styles.
Random, the least expensive to create, is a watermark that appears repetitively throughout the sheet in no particular order. A localized watermark is one that appears in a predetermined position on each sheet. Paraded watermarks appear in a line, either vertically or horizontally on each sheet.
A staggered watermark pattern consists of several watermarks on each sheet in a predetermined fashion. See dandy roll. Characteristic of a pile of sheets when the outer edges retain more moisture from the air than the center does or when the center retains more moisture then the outer edges do.
It is a form of paper curl. A warping, “wave like” effect in paper which is the result of the edges of the sheet having picked up moisture and expanded to a larger size. Roll of paper used in web or rotary presses and most often folded, pasted and converted in one continuous form.
Also a ribbon of paper as it unwinds from a roll and threads through the press. Break in a roll of paper while it is on the machine during manufacturing or while on the printing press during production. Paper that is made to be printed in a continuous manner from a roll. It can be coated or uncoated and must be strong enough to withstand the rigors of web offset printing at high speeds. Amount of pull applied in direction of the travel of a web of paper by the action of a web-fed press.
Acceptable degree of variation in a paper’s shipped weight, usually within 5 percent of the paper’s nominal weight. Water or dampness on the edge of the roll can weld or bond the paper together, which will then break on the infeed, a problem easily determined by the press crew. The beginning of a paper machine that involves a slurry of fibers, fillers, and other additives and is most likely the most critical process area for successful production of the high quality and consistent end product.
Category of finishes such as antique, eggshell, vellum applied to the wet paper web by machine rolls and the presses at the wet end of the papermaking machine. Wet strength is measured most accurately as the percentage ratio of wet-tensile strength to dry-tensile strength. Once wet, ordinary papers lose most of their original dry-strength properties. Wet strength papers possess properties that resist disintegration and rupture when saturated with water.
Wet strength papers range in weight from tissue to paperboard. A material capable of lowering the surface tension of water and water solutions and increasing their wetting powers. Unit at the end of the paper machine that takes the paper web from the reel, trims it, winds it into rolls and slits it to make smaller rolls if desired. At the wet end of the paper machine, a copper, bronze or synthetic screen that receives the suspension of water and fiber from the head-box.
The wire moves the suspension along to the dry end of the machine. In business forms, to stitch or fasten sheets to form a book or fastened set; may be side or saddle wired. A continuous double series of wire loops running through punched slots along the binding side of a booklet. Opposite of felt side, this is the side of the paper that was against the wire during manufacture. A watermark will read backward from this side of the sheet.
To print one side of a sheet of paper then turn the sheet over from left to right and print the second side. The same gripper and plate are used for both sides.
To print one side of a sheet of paper, then turn it over from gripper to back using the same side guide and plate to print the second side. Finish characterized by the impressions of a felt dandy roll covered in woven wire and without laid lines. A device that dries paper as it comes off the wet end of the papermaking machine by pressing one side against a cylinder that steam-heats it and imparts a glazed finish at the same time.
Hue off a subtractive primary and a 4-color process ink. It reflects red and green light and absorbs blue light. Describes a transformation inherent to all vegetable fibers which is caused by aging.
Paper made of vegetable fibers will turn various degrees of yellow as its environment couples with aging to produce this phenomenon. Yellowing is very evident in groundwood papers and only a few hours in direct sunlight is enough to yellow newspaper. Folding used with continuous forms with alternating position head and foot.
Commonly used to convert roll paper to easily managed flat-back. Home Resources Paper Glossary of Terms. Glossary of Paper Terms. A Abrasion Resistance The level at which paper can withstand continuous scuffing or rubbing. Absorption The properties within paper that cause it to absorb liquids inks, water, etc. Accordion Fold A binding term describing a method of folding paper.
Acetate Proof A transparent, acetate printing proof used to reproduce anticipated print colors on a transparent acetate sheet.
Acid Free Paper made in a neutral pH system, usually buffered with calcium carbonate. Acidity Degree of acid found in a given paper substance measured by pH level. Against the Grain A right angle to which the fiber direction of a piece of paper lies. Airdried Paper Paper that is dried by circulating hot air around it with little or no tension or restraint on the paper. Aluminum Plate A metal press plate used for moderate to long runs in offset lithography to carry the image.
Announcement Cards Cards of paper with matching envelopes generally used for social stationery, announcements, weddings, greetings, etc. Antique Finish A paper finish, usually used in book and cover papers, that has a tactile surface. Artificial Parchment Paper produced with poorly formed formation. Artwork A general term used to describe materials prepared and readied for print. Ascenders The tops of lower case letters such as: b, d, h and t.
Web Create your own custom page presets Access Photo templates. Non-Destructive Editing Live, editable filters, adjustments, layer fx, and blend modes See effects, blend modes and adjustments instantly, no lag Apply to any image layer, group—even to vector art Edit any time, make changes without using Undo Edit blend modes per layer, per adjustment, per filter, object etc. This browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. View profile. Like Link.
Easy free halftone software. I have been playing around with this program for about a week now. It works pretty well. Should have some vids of the carving up later this week. Been playing with that program since the days of the Shapeoko.
It works very well once you get a handle on how to set it up. Generate colorful halftone drawings from your photos online. It can take a minute to get the design effect result, so please wait.
The more you increase the halftone size, the more you turn subtle the effect of this parameter. If you use big halftone sizes for small input images, probably you will. Get 5-star service and a money back guarantee. Beat Tones Halftone Brushes for Photoshop. Download 48 Blurred Fonts. Halftone Poster – in : Blurred. Halftone Poster Friends, today’s freebie is a set of 16 halftone tileable patterns in.
PAT and. PNG formats. I have manually created these simple halftone patterns and they vary the dots in different sizes to give you the most different texturing effect. There are a number of uses with these resources.
MathesonHarris June 7, , am 1. I just finished my x-carve and the project I’ve been really wanting to start with was these CNC halftone images, done with a v-bit, such as this one: There are few different programs out there, but this DXF Halftone seems the most promising.
The research goal is to improve understanding of the immunopathology of TB and HIV, using this information to aid in developing novel therapeutic approaches and diagnostic biomarkers. His research has centered on understanding the mechanisms by which the human immune system recognises the Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. His work has a strong translational component, asking if both classically and non-classically restricted T cells are associated with infection with M.
The translational significance of this research is centred on informing the development of novel vaccines and diagnostics for childhood TB. Her current research focuses on HIV broadly neutralising antibodies and their interplay with the evolving virus.
Recent studies published in PloS Pathogens, Nature and Nature Medicine have highlighted the role of viral escape in creating new epitopes and immunotypes, thereby driving the development of neutralisation breadth, with implications for HIV vaccine design. A negative that must be flopped has emulsion on the wrong side. The property of ink which causes it to level out when still a liquid; “short” inks have poor flow, and “long” inks have good flow. An undesirable neutral density in the clear areas of a photographic film or paper, in which the image is either locally or entirely veiled by a deposit of silver.
Fog may be due to flare, unsafe darkroom illumination, age, or processing conditions. A tissue-like material in sheet or roll form covered on one side with a metallic coloring used for stamping. A paper test which measures the number of double back and forth folds that can be made on a sheet of paper under tension, before it breaks. A page that exceeds the dimensions of a single page.
It is folded to page size and included in the book, sometimes bound in and sometimes tipped in pasted. Refers to the uniformity or lack of it in the distribution of the fibers when manufacturing paper; can be observed by looking through the sheet; a good formation is uniform or “Close”, while a poor formation is not. In lithography, a solution of water, a natural or synthetic gum and other chemicals used to dampen the plate and keep non-printing areas from accepting ink.
The unit on a press that contains ink to be fed to the distributing system, and the part that feeds the fountain solution to the dampening system. The four basic colors of ink yellow, magenta, cyan, and black , which reproduce full-color photographs or art. A paper machine developed by Louis Robert and financed by Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier that produces a continuous web of paper; also the term for the section of the paper machine, which is a continuous “wire” or belt screen, through which the first removal of water occurs.
The point of formation. After the job is printed and folded, a trim will be taken off all four sides to remove any reference or registration marks and give a clean edge to the pile of sheets. In digital imaging, typically a low-resolution image positioned in a document to be replaced later with a higher resolution version of the same image. Paper made with pulp created in a kraft process that has removed the lignin.
Freesheet paper has more longevity than groundwood which contains lignin. Newspaper is made with groundwood. A sheet printed on one side and folded first vertically and then horizontally to produce a four-page folder. An independent, international, environmentally and socially oriented forest certification organization.
It trains, accredits and monitors third-party certifiers around the world and works to establish international forest management standards. In printing, parallel streaks appearing across the printed sheet at same interval as gear teeth on the cylinder. Ghost images are unwanted images that reduce print value. Mechanical ghosting develops during the delivery of the printed sheet and is traceable to on-press conditions, ink starvation, form layout, and even to the blanket itself.
Chemical ghosting, which occurs during the drying process of ink on paper, is especially bothersome because the condition cannot be detected until the job has been completed. The process of applying glue to the spine of a book to be casebound, after sewing and smashing, and before trimming. The classification given to paper due to its unique characteristics, which includes brightness, opacity, cotton content, etc….
Term used to designate that the grain of the paper is parallel to the longest measurement of a sheet of paper. The fibers are aligned parallel to the length of the sheet. Opposite of grain long. Grain of the paper runs at the right angles to the longest dimension of the sheet.
Thus a sheet of paper 17 x 22 with a basis weight of 20 lbs. A person in the graphic arts who puts together art, text, and other visuals to produce professional printed results. An intaglio printing process in which the image area is etched below the surface of the printing plate and is transferred directly to the paper by means of pressure. The number of gray values that can be distinguished by a color separation filter-usually 2 8 or A strip of standard gray tones, ranging from white to black, placed at the side of original copy during photography to measure tonal range and contrast gamma obtained.
Paper made from pulp created in one of several processes that use virtually the whole tree. Sometimes chemical and heating process are used in the pulping.
Groundwood paper retains the lignin from the trees, which causes the paper to yellow and deteriorate relatively quickly. The edge of a printed sheet at right angles to the gripper edge, which travels along a guide on the press or folder. This edge, like the gripper edge, should never be altered or mutilated between the printing and folding operations. It is the shorter edge of the sheet. A method of using crossline marks on the offset press plate to indicate trim, centering of the sheet, centering of the plate, etc.
Sometimes called a cocking roller. Located on the roll stand between the roll of paper and the dancer roll. Can be cocked to compensate for certain paper roll conditions. The side the press uses to guide the sheet to the exact side toward the operator; also known as operator or control side. Streaks, particularly in halftones, produced by uneven gumming of plates which partially desensitizes the image.
In platemaking, the process of applying a thin coating of gum to the non-printing areas of a lithographic plate. In photography, a blurred effect, resembling a halo, usually occurring in the highlight areas or around bright objects. A style of binding wherein the shelf-back and the corners are bound in a different material from that used on the sides. An engraved glass through which continuous tone copy is photographed and reduced to a series of dots for halftone printing.
The reprographic technique that simulates continuous tone imagery through the use of dots, varying either in size or in spacing, thus generating a gradient-like effect.
Paper that has been treated with a large amount of size to increase its resistance to moisture. Slack-sized is the opposite.
A small strip of silk or cotton used for decoration at the top of a book between the sheets and the cover. In hand binding, a real tape to which the signatures are sewn. On a paper machine, the box that dispenses the appropriate amount of furnish pulp into the papermaking process. An imposition which requires that pages be laid out with the top of a page head positioned across the top of the page head opposite it on the form.
An imposition which requires that pages be laid out with the top of a page head positioned across the from the bottom tail of the page opposite on the form. In offset, spots or imperfections in the printed image traceable to such things as dirt on the press, dried ink skin, paper particles, dust, etc….
A paper normally book paper specifically manufactured to retain a thickness not found in papers of the same basis weight. Frequently used to give thickness to a book with minimal amount of pages. In photography, describes a reproduction in which the difference in darkness between neighboring areas is greater than in the original. A term referring to a paper that has a smooth, hard finish applied through calendering or other processes. The lightest or whitest parts in a photograph represented in a halftone reproduction by the smallest dots or the absence of all dots.
The flexible joint where the covers of a hardbound book meet the spine, permitting the covers to open without breaking the spine of the book or breaking the signatures apart.
A term referring to papers that retain much of the resinous ink components on the surface of the sheet rather than absorbing them into a fiber network. Papers with too much holdout cause problems with setoff. Moisture condition of the air. Relative humidity is the percent of moisture relative to the actual amount which air at any given temperature can retain without precipitation. A papermaking process that involves beating the pulp so as to increase its ability to hold water and produce a paper with the proper moisture content.
In digital imaging, an imagesetter capable of outputting a film flat with 4, 8 or more pages in imposed position.
In printing, the cylinder on a printing press against which the paper picks up the impression from the inked plate in direct printing, or the blanket in offset printing. An auxiliary printing unit, usually employing rubber letterpress plates; imprints copy on top side of web and permits imprint copy to be changed while press is running at full speed. On aluminum plates, a type of oxidation scum characterized by scattered pits that print sharp, dense dots.
A metal drum, either solid or cored; a part of an inking mechanism; used to break down the ink and transfer it to the form rollers. An important printing paper quality – the ability to keep ink on top of the paper’s surface. An inked image printed on paper with a high degree of ink holdout will dry by oxidation rather than absorption. In digital printing, a plateless printing system that produces images directly on paper from digital data using streams of very fine drops of dyes which are controlled by digital signals to produce images on paper.
On a printing press, the ink fountain and all the parts used to meter, transfer, break down, distribute, cool or heat, and supply the ink to the printing members. Also called inking system. Denotes a production line of machinery, as required for the more or less complete manufacturing of a given product.
Paper inserted between sheets as they come off the printing press to prevent transfer of wet ink from one to the other. Also, accessory sheets between parts in a form. The flexible hinge where the cover of a casebound book meets the spine, permitting the cover to open without breaking the spine of the book or breaking apart the signatures; also called a hinge.
Proper name for the beater on the paper machine. In the Jordan, the pulp is pulverized, causing the pulp and water to mix in a uniform manner. In color printing, the plate used as a guide for the register of other colors.
It normally contains the most detail. In artwork, an outline drawing of finished art to indicate the exact shape, position and size for such elements as halftones, line sketches, etc…. A chemical pulping process that cooks down the tree to remove lignin, retaining the fibers for paper making.
Free sheet papers are made in the kraft process. Paper used for labeling applications. It may or may not have pressure sensitive adhesive backing added to the sheet. A dandy roll made for the purpose of imparting a laid finish to paper. The laid wires are affixed on top of the transverse chain wires, rather than being wove over and under them. Term describes the finish imparted by a dandy roll which features wires parallel to its axis that impress the paper during manufacture to produce a permanent watermark.
Paper that is developed by fusing one or more layers of paper together to the desired thickness and quality. The slightly extended areas of printing surfaces in color plates, which make for easier registration of color. A register achieved by overlaying a narrow strip of the second color over the first color, at the points of joining. The drawing or sketch of a proposed printed piece. In platemaking, a sheet indicating the settings for a step-and-repeat machine.
The imposition form; it indicates the sequence and positioning of negatives on the flat, which corresponds to printed pages on the press sheet. Once the sheet is folded, pages will be in consecutive order.
In composition, rows of dashes or dots to guide the eye across the page. Used in tabular work, programs, tables of contents, etc…. Also known as relief typographic printing, letterpress printing employs the use of type or designs cast or engraved in relief raised on a variety of surfaces which can include metal, rubber, and wood.
Opposite of intaglio printing, in letterpress printing the ink is applied to the raised printing surface. Non-printing areas or spaces are recessed. Impressions are made in various ways. On a platen press the impressions are made by pressure against a flat area of type or plate.
Flat-bed cylinder press printing uses the pressure of a cylinder rolling across a flat area of type or plate to create the impression. A rotary web press uses a plate that has been stereotyped molded into a curved form which presses against another cylinder carrying the paper.
A book bound in accordance with the standards of the American Library Association, having strong endpapers , muslin-reinforced end signatures, sewing with four-cord thread, cotton flannel backlining, and covers of Caxton buckram cloth, with round corners.
Maximum number of sheets handled by operator of guillotine cutting machine or by paper handler loading paper for printing. The degree to which a paper or printed piece will resist a change in color when exposed to light. The “glue” that binds the cells of the tree and creates its structure. This product is removed in the kraft process. Approximately one third of the tree is lignin. A drawing containing no grays or middle tones.
In general, any drawing that can be reproduced without the use of halftone techniques. The material which is pasted down on the backbone spine of a book to be casebound, after it has been sewn, glued off, and then rounded. It reinforces the glue and helps hold signatures together. The allowance for overlap of one-half of the open side edge of a folded section, needed for sewn and saddlestitch binding, for feeding the sections; also called lap.
An ink-receptive image on the lithographic press plate; the design or drawing on stone or a metal plate. A generic term for any printing process in which the image area and the nonimage area exist on the same plane plate and are separated by chemical repulsion. Achieved by arranging the design on the dandy roll to leave a watermark at a predetermined place on the sheet. A mark or symbol created for an individual, company, or product that translates the impression of the body it is representing into a graphic image.
An ink that has good flow on ink rollers of a press. If the ink is too long, it breaks up into filaments on the press, and causes flying as on a newspaper press.
A popular style of binding, in which the spine binding material is not glued to the binding edge of the sheets. Refers to papers somewhat thinner than the usual papers of the same weight, having a smooth surface, and which is a “thin” sheet. Symbol in the paper industry designating 1, Usually used to designate 1, sheets or two reams of fine paper.
Establishes the grain direction, which is always parallel with the travel of the paper over the wire. Process of drying paper on the paper machine as opposed to air drying the paper after removal from the machine. Finish that is obtained while the paper is on the paper machine. Expressed as M. Different finishes are obtained by the number of times paper is passed through the rollers, either dry or wet. Hue of a subtractive primary and a 4-color process ink.
It reflects or transmits blue and red light and absorbs green light. In printing presses, all work done prior to running; adjusting the feeder, grippers, side guide, putting ink in the fountain, etc. Also, in letterpress, the building up of the press form, so that the heavy and light areas print with the correct impression.
Making orders for special sizes, colors and weights of paper are subject to small minimums. The unprinted area around the edges of a page.
The margins as designated in book specifications refer to the remaining margins after the book has been trimmed. In color separation photography, an intermediate photographic negative or positive used in color correction. In offset lithography, opaque material used to protect open or selected areas of a printing plate during exposure. In papermaking, groundwood pulp produced by mechanically grinding logs or wood chips. It is used mainly for newsprint and as an ingredient of base stock for lower grade publication papers.
Paper which is brand-named by the manufacturer as opposed to the merchant house, which is known as a “private brand”.
Wastepaper generated from offices, such as letters, memos, invoices, etc. This is the major source of post consumer fiber used in recycled papers. Geometric pattern caused when two screened images are superimposed at certain angles. Occurs when making a halftone from a halftone image. Refers to the amount of moisture found in a sheet of paper. This figure varies from sheet to sheet since paper will emit or absorb moisture according to the condition of the surrounding atmosphere. Moisture loss is realized in the form of shrinkage, which begins at the edges of the paper and moves across the grain causing the sheet to tighten and curl.
Device that measures the bursting strength of paper. Sometimes referred to as the pop test or pop tester. In photography, film containing an image in which the values of the original are reversed so that the dark areas in the subject appear light on the film and vice versa.
Offset papers manufactured with a pH of 6. Neutral pH factors are built into paper as a minimum value, to increase stability and improve permanence for use in printing of archival records. Refers to the basis weight of the paper.
Proofs made by photomechanical or digital means in less time and at lower cost than press proofs. See set-off. In printing, the process of using an intermediate blanket cylinder to transfer an image from the image carrier to the substrate.
Short for offset lithography. The most common form of lithographic printing in which the image area and the nonimage area exist on the same plane plate , separated by chemical repulsion.
To print, the ink is “offset” transferred from the plate onto a rubber blanket and then to the paper. Process of printing utilizing a lithographic plate on which the images or designs are ink receptive while the remainder of the plate is water receptive.
Ink is transferred from the plate to a rubber blanket on the printing press and this rubber blanket transfers the image to paper. It is sometimes referred to as offset lithography or photo-offset. The amount of “show through” in a sheet from one side to the other. The higher the opacity the less likely that the printing on one side will be visible from the other side. The more opaque a sheet of paper is, the less transparent it is. High opacity in printing papers is a good characteristic as print from the other side of a printed leaf has less “show-through”.
Optical brighteners or fluorescent dyes are extensively used to make high, bright blue-white papers. They absorb invisible ultraviolet light and convert to visible light, falling into the blue to violet portion of the spectrum, which is then reflected back to our eyes. A dye that is added to the fiber stock or applied to the paper surface at the size press to enhance its brightness. Paper rolls that are not suitable for the web offset press because they are not perfectly round and will cause uneven feeding tension.
Refers to paper that has been trimmed improperly thus causing the corners to be less or more than 90 degrees. This leads to difficulty during the printing process and often results in misregister of the printed piece. Also called off-square. Describes printing when too much ink has been used, resulting in heavy print that tends to blur toward the back of the press sheet.
Packing the plate or blanket to a level that is excessively above the level of the cylinder bearer. Quantity of paper that is manufactured beyond the quantity specified. In printing, copies printed in excess of the specified quantity.
A chemical reaction which hardens the ink vehicle and makes the film of ink reasonably rub-proof. The process of combining with oxygen. In printing presses, the paper or other material used to underlay a press blanket or plate, to bring the surface to the desired height; the method of adjusting squeeze pressure. In stripping, assembly of all elements to make up a page. In digital imaging, the electronic assembly of page elements to compose a complete page with all elements in place on a video display terminal and on film or plate.
A wooden platform with stringers wide enough to allow a fork lift to drive into it and lift; used to pack cartons for shipment, if specified by the customer. Pallets are usually not reusable. Measure of the printability of a sheet of paper which is dependent upon the amount of ink the paper absorbs, the smoothness of its surface, and the evenness of its caliper. A paper used for greeting cards, stationery, etc…which is distinctive from regular stock in that special watermarks and embossing may be used.
Pasted grades are those grades of paper or paperboard made up of layers pasted together. The process is machine operation used to combine sheets of the same or different papers into a single thickness.
Those inks that set-up faster and dry faster, usually from top to bottom. These inks are used when sheets have to be sent back through the press faster than normal drying time will allow. Printing with four half-tone images at different screen angles using four different colors.
Usually the four colors would have a color slant or cast towards a selected tone or color; for example a sepia-tone or overall brown slant or cast. Today it is usually referred to as cotton fiber paper. It is made from cotton cuttings and linters.
Pile of paper is ream marked by the insertion of small slips of paper or “ream markers” at intervals of every sheets. Scrap paper collected for remanufacturing into recycled paper. Printing waste and envelope trip are also recovered fiber.
This means the product can be recycled. This applies to most paper even if it is coated, waxed or other wise treated. Paper made at least in part from recovered fibers. There is no universally acceptable definition so requirements vary by specific circumstances. EPA requires post consumer content in recycled papers purchased by federal agencies.
But the FTC does not require post-consumer content in papers labeled recycled. In Canada most companies use the terra-choice definition for recycle which does require minimum levels of post-consumer fiber. In printing inks, varnishes, solvents, oily or greasy compounds used to reduce the consistency for printing. In photography, chemicals used to reduce the density of negative or positive images or the size of halftone dots dot etching.
In photography, illustrative copy that is viewed and must be photographed by light reflected from its surface. Examples are photographs, drawings, etc…. In printing, register is the placement of two or more images on the same paper in such a manner as to make them in perfect alignment with each other. When a printing job is in exact register succeeding forms or colors can be printed in the correct position relative to the images already printed on the sheet.
Mark placed on a form to assist in proper positioning of after-printing operations. Two short lines at right angles are called an angle mark. Also, bulls-eye marks placed on camera-ready copy to assist in registration of subsequent operations. Alignment of one element of a form in relation to another.
Also, alignment of printed images upon the same sheet of paper. The amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere expressed as a percentage of the maximum that could be present at the same temperature. The ability to keep photo film and the images thereon in proper register. Repeatability is usually measured in micrometers.
In lithography, a term denoting that the ink does not adhere to the metal ink rollers on a press. Printing press in which the plate is wrapped around a cylinder. There are two types, direct and indirect. Direct presses print with a plate cylinder and an impression cylinder.
Indirect rotary presses sheet-fed offset presses combine a plate cylinder, a blanket cylinder and an impression cylinder. Intaglio process. The image is below the surface of the plate. Letterhead image is raised the offset image is flat. Not the same as printability.
Binding process for pamphlets or booklets, which works by stapling through the middle fold of the sheets saddle wire. The process and the resulting line or crease mechanically impressed in the paper to facilitate folding while guarding against cracking of paper and board. Scoring is essential when heavyweight papers are to be folded. The ruling used to determine the dots per unit area in developing tonal values in the printed piece.
Screens from which letterpress halftones of photographs are made range from 60 lines-per-inch for printing on newsprint to lines for printing on coated paper and premium uncoated paper. Offset halftones for printing on most surfaces range from lines to lines.
In color reproduction, angles at which the halftone screens are placed with relation to one another, to avoid undesirable moire patterns. This printing process uses a screen of fine-mesh silk thus the common name silk screen printing taughtly stretched across a frame.
A squeegee drawn across the screen forces ink through the open image areas which are cut-out by hand using lacquered tissue prior to its adherence to the silk. Special photographic negatives are adhered to the screen when faithful reproduction of intricate designs are sought. The density difference between the highlight and shadow areas of copy that a halftone screen can reproduce without a flash exposure.
A halftone film having a uniform dot size over its area, and rated by its approximate printing dot size value, such as 20 percent, 50 percent, etc. See rub-off, The disrupted appearance of an ink film as a result of abrasion to either the wet or dry ink film.
A term referring to the press plate picking up ink in the nonprinting areas for a variety of reasons, basically due to spots or areas not remaining desensitized. Term often applied to cut size sheets which are packaged “ream sealed”, sheets to the package.
Process of allowing paper to adjust to atmospheric conditions of the plant in which it will be used. A cover for mechanical binding that is a single piece scored and slotted or punched for combining with the mechanical binding device, formatting a closed backbone on bound units.
In platemaking, the distance from the front edge of the press plate to the image area, to allow for clamping to the cylinder and also for the gripper margin. The undesirable transfer of ink from freshly printed sheets of paper to another. Also called off-set.
A sheet drawn in Plate Prep on the Craftsman table from computer specifications; used as a master for the layout and positioning of pages on the job for which it was drawn. A popular style of bookbinding; in which the signatures are gathered in sequence and then sewn individually in 8s, 16s, or 32s. The sewing threads are visible at the center of each signature. Strips of reinforcing cloth sewn to the spine of the book sections and extending slightly past the edge of the spine; used to strengthen the binding of a casebound book.
To decrease in color strength, as when halftone dots become smaller; opposite of dot spread or dot gain. Term which may be applied to a single sheet, a grade of paper, or a description of paper, i. Directly related to poor surface strength in that if the sheet has poor surface strength, delamination will occur in the printing process. Sheet delamination could also create a problem of a blanket smash. If the delamination is large enough and thick enough, as the press continues to run, it will create a depression in the blanket, so that when the delamination buildup is removed from the blanket the depression will remain, rendering the blanket unusable.
These defects pertain to both sheet-fed and web-fed equipment. In paper manufacture, rotary unit over which the web of paper passes to be cut into sheets. In printing, rotary knife at the delivery end of web press that slices press lengths. To print one side of a sheet of paper with one plate, then turn the sheet over and print the other side with another plate using same gripper and opposite side guide.
Undercooked wood particles that are removed from the pulp before manufacture of paper begins. Sometimes shives will appear as imperfections in the finished sheets. In printing, the undesirable condition in which the printing on the reverse side of a sheet can be seen through the sheet under normal lighting conditions.
Decrease in the dimensions of a sheet of paper or loss incurred in weight between the amount of pulp used and paper produced. On sheet-fed presses, a guide on the feed board to position the sheet sideways as it feeds into the front guides before entering the impression cylinder.
A method of binding in which the folded signatures or cut sheets are stitched with wire along and through the side, close to the gutter margin. Pages cannot be fully opened to a flat position; also called side wire. Additive substances applied to the paper either internally through the beater or as a coating that improves printing qualities and resistance to liquids. Commonly used sizes are starch and latex. Also used to ship materials, usually in cartons which have been strapped banded to the skid.
Placing pieces of paper between folded sections prior to trimming four sides, to separate completed books. A combination dot gain and slur indicator supplied in positive or negative form.
It is a quality control device that shows at a glance dot gain or dot loss. It also demonstrates whether the gain or the loss occurs in contacting, platemaking, proofing or on the press. An area of a blanket that is no longer firm and resilient, and that gives a light impression in the center of a well printed area. Usually caused by physical damage of the blanket at impression.
The binding operation following sewing in which the folded and sewn sheets are compressed to tighten the fold free of air to make the front and back of the sheets the same thickness. A press condition in which the impression is slurred and unclear, because too much ink was used or sheets were handled or rubbed before the ink was dry. Prior to reaching the driers, the paper web is smoothed, if necessary, by two rolls working together.
The flatness of a sheet of paper, which generally determines the crispness of the image printed upon it. A method of fastening side-by-side signatures so that each is linked with thread to its neighbor, as well as saddlesewn through its own centerfold.
Smyth-sewn books open flat. The stitching is on the back of the fold. A camera term describing halation or fringe around the edge of a dot which is excessive and almost equals the area of the dot itself. In composition, type set without space leading between the lines. Spec’d copy gives details of items such as paper, bindery techniques, type, etc.
Paper or board that is manufactured, or subsequently converted, for a specific use. These grades usually cannot be used for anything other than their intended special purpose. The designer or printing production worker who determines the types of paper to be used under various circumstances. Sophisticated instrument that measures color across a visible spectrum and produces data describing the color of a given sample in terms of the three parameters in color space.
The complete range of colors in the rainbow, from short wavelengths blue to long wavelengths red. Smallest visible point that can be displayed or printed. The smallest diameter of light that a scanner can detect, or an image-setter or printer can image. Dot should not be confused with spot. Press varnish applied to a portion of the sheet, as opposed to an overall application of the varnish. Fine opaquing such as in removing pinholes or other small transparent defects in a negative; also called Opaquing.
A term used to describe paper that has been seasoned so that the moisture content is the same as the air surrounding it. Pressing a design onto a book cover using metal foil, colored foil, or ink, applied with metal dies.
Terms used to indicate the manufactured specifications of a paper. Includes color, basis weight, sheet dimensions, and grain direction.
An electrical charge frequently found in paper which is too dry or which has been affected by local atmospheric conditions. In printing presses , an attachment designed to remove the static electricity from the paper to avoid ink setoff and trouble with feeding the paper. In multiple imposition on a lithographic press plate, the procedure of repeating the exposure of a flat by stepping it along the gripper edge; side-by-side exposure.
In multiple imposition on a lithographic press plate, the procedure of repeating the exposure of a flat by stepping it back from the gripper edge of the plate; up-and-down exposure. A popular method of sewing the signatures of a book together by stitching all the sheets at one time, either through the center of the inserted sheets or side-stitched from front to back.
A very strong style of binding but not flexible as compared with sewing. A digital screening process that converts images into very small dots microns of equal size and variable spacing. Second order screened images have variable size dots and variable spacing. Also called Frequency Modulated FM screening. General term with many meanings. Papers manufactured in popular sizes, weights, colors, etc.
Paper distributor that stocks in his own warehouse facilities enough paper to immediately fill anticipated orders in the market. This eliminates the delay of ordering from the paper manufacturer, taking delivery, and delivering to the customer.
An application of opaque to photographic negatives; also the application of special lacquer to protect areas in positives in dot etching; staging of halftone plates during relief etching; protecting certain areas of deep-etched plates so that no ink will be deposited on the protected areas.
A type of press feeder that keeps several sheets of paper, overlapping each other, moving toward the grippers. Stretch properties are essential for paper to fold well and to resist stress in use. Stretch resistance is measured on tensile testing instruments. An envelope made with two reinforced paper buttons, one on the flap and the other on the back of the envelope. Full Save or Export List Publisher template. Workspaces and Workflows Easy setup with New Document dialog for desktop only Thumbnail-based Presets for different types of output, e.
Web Create your own custom page presets Access Photo templates. Non-Destructive Editing Live, editable filters, adjustments, layer fx, and blend modes See effects, blend modes and adjustments instantly, no lag Apply to any image layer, group—even to vector art Edit any time, make changes without using Undo Edit blend modes per layer, per adjustment, per filter, object etc.
Halftones in Affinity Designer. 6 years ago. Dan Robinson Plus. Quick tutorial for creating the dot screen-style halftones. Choose Yellow. Color your Red layer with the Red Swatch and the Red Brushes. Select the Red layer. Open the swatch panel. Choose the Red swatch. Select a Red brush. Color the areas that you want red. Choose your Blue layer with the Blue . May 23, · This is a massive bundle of Affinity Designer brushes that every illustrator and artist should have in their toolkit. It includes 80 different Affinity Designer brushes featuring ink, dots, dashes, waves, and many other styles of brushes you can use with various types of design work. The bundle also includes 20 seamless pattern files for free.
Distressed Pattern Brushes. Lithotone for Procreate. Lithotone for Illustrator. Distressed Pattern Swatches. Vector Savior. Vector Halftone Swatches. Fast Grit For Photoshop. Load More. All Bundles. For Any App. Clip Studio Brush Bundle. For Clip Studio Paint. All Posts. View Font License or see below. Need an extended license or additional usage limits?
Contact Us Here. The Font Software can be installed on one device per user including mobile devices and iPads. To obtain a quote for an extended license, contact us here. Licensee is not permitted to supply the Font Software to the end-user or client with the finished logo design. Where the Font Software is used to create a logo, the typeface design cannot be included as part of any trademark, service mark or design mark registration and must be disclaimed in any such registration.
Distribution of such documents is limited to , copies on any combination of publications including but not limited to PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint Google Docs and any format for use with E-book reading devices and apps. Embedding of the Font Software in any way that allows text to be edited by the recipient within the document or extracted and used elsewhere is prohibited.
Printed Advertisements in Global markets or in markets comprising two or more countries require an extended license. Request a quote here. Licensee may not convert, link to, make available online or embed the supplied Font Software files designed for Desktop use. Where the Font Software is purchased as part of a multi-product bundle, the limit is 50, page views per month. This includes but is not limited to downloadable or installable website templates, presentation templates, logo-templates, social media image templates and word-processing templates.
This includes, but is not limited to, “print-on-demand”, “made-to order”, “download-on-demand” and “design-it-yourself” applications and services. Couch Roll On a paper making machine the equipment that helps remove excess water from the moving web of paper prior to the wet press section of a paper machine. Cover Paper Durable, heavier weight papers, available in a variety of finishes and colors, used for the cover of pamphlets, annual reports, business cards, etc… Crop Marks Specifically placed marks attached to artwork that show the area to be printed.
Cropping Resizing original photographs or illustrations to a different size. Cross Direction The opposite direction of the grain of the paper. Cross Grain Fold A fold at a right angle to the direction of the grain in the paper. Cross Machine Direction A line perpendicular to the direction the paper travels through the papermaking machine. Curl Undesirable distortion or waviness occurring to the paper due to the presence of excess moisture or humidity. Cut to Register Term used for watermarked letterhead papers to indicate the watermark will be cut to appear in a predetermined position on the finished sheet.
Cutter Dust Paper dust resulting from cutting or trimming the paper which can transfer to printing blankets causing problems during a press run. Cyan process blue One of the four-process colors. Cover Double-thick” describes a sheet of paper made by bonding two thicknesses of paper together resulting in an extra-stiff sheet. Damp Streaks Streaks caused by uneven pressing of drying during paper manufacturing. Dampeners In lithography, cloth covered, parchment paper or rubber rollers that distribute the dampening to the press plate.
Dampening Water, gum buffered acid, and various types of etches used to keep the non-image areas of the plate moist, and preventing them from accepting ink, in the lithographic printing process; also called fountain solution. Dandy Roll 1 A plain roll situated above the wet web of the paper to provide a smoothing action to the top surface of the paper as it passes under the roll.
Day-Glo Trade name for inks and papers containing fluorescent pigments. Debossing The process in which the image is recessed into the paper. Deckle On the wet end of the paper machine the straps or deckle rulers that prevent the fiber from overflowing the sides of the machine. Deckle Edge Refers to the feathered edge on paper produced when fibers flow against the deckle or edge of the web.
Decurler A device on a web press or sheeter used to remove paper curl. Decurling A paper decurling station on a sheeter or web press, used to remove paper curl. De-Inking A process which removes ink, toner, coatings and most fillers from recovered paper. Dirt Count The average amount of dirt in a specific size of paper area. Delamination A separation of the paper’s surface.
Delivery Area of the originating press where the freshly printed sheets are piled as they leave the impression section. Densitometer Reflection instrument measuring the density of colored ink to determine its consistency throughout a press run.
Density Identifies the weight of paper compared to the volume; it is directly related to the paper’s absorbency, stiffness, and opacity. Descender The parts of lower case letters that extend below the baseline. Die A design, letters, or pattern cut in metal for stamping, embossing or for diecutting. Die-Cutting Male and female dies are used to cut out paper or board in desired shapes. Digester Pressure vessel in which wood chips are cooked to separate fibers from each other and to remove detrimental particles.
Dimensional Stability Characteristic of paper to retain its dimensions in all directions under the stress of production and adverse changes in humidity. Dirt Dirt in paper consists of any imbedded foreign matter or specks, which contrast in color to the remainder of the sheet. Dished Concave rather than flat pile of paper. Also refers to roll ends of paper that are not flat. Distributor Company which purchases paper from mill for resale to printers and end-users. Dividers Tabbed sheets of index or other heavy stock, used to identify and separate specific sections of a book; used in loose-leaf and bound books.
Dot Individual element of a halftone printing plate. Dot Etching Handwork on engravings and lithographic screened halftone negatives for correcting tonal values in either black-and-white or color work. Dot Slurring Smearing or elongation at the trailing edges of halftone dots. Dot Spread When halftone dots print larger than they were supposed to print. Dots, Halftone The individual subdivisions of a printed surface created with a halftone screen. Double Burning Combining the images on two or more films onto a single film to create a single image.
Double Varnish Two applications of press varnish. Double-Black Halftone Printing A means of extending the range of density available with printing ink by printing twice with black ink, using two specially prepared halftone negatives. Double-Deckle Paper A paper having parallel deckle edges. Double-Dot Halftone Two halftone negatives combined onto one printing plate, having greater tonal range than a conventional halftone negatives.
Double-Thick Cover Stock A cover stock composed of two sheets of cover stock laminated together. Doubling 1 In printing, a press problem that generally occurs when sheets make contact with the blanket twice, once just before the impression point and the second time at the impression point, resulting in a double image.
Doughnut Hickey A printing defect consisting of a solid printed area surrounded by an unprinted area. Downtime Duration of an unscheduled stoppage of machines or equipment printing presses, papermaking machines, typesetting equipment, etc. Drag Register trouble when the dot is enlarged toward the back nongripper edge of the sheet. Draw-Down A term used to describe an ink chemist’s method of roughly determining coating or ink. Drier Any substance used to hasten drying of ink on paper. Driers Wet paper passes through these large cylindrical steam heated rolls that dry paper webs.
Drilling Piercing of stacks of papers in a precision manner with round hollow drills at high speeds. Drop-Out In printing, halftone with no screen dots in the highlights or background. Dry Back The color change which occurs when ink dries. Dry-End On the paper machine, it is the section where the dryers, cutters, slitters and reels are located.
Dryer drying oven Oven on web offset press through which the web of printed paper passes after it leaves the final printing unit. Drying Time The time it takes for an ink to become rub- or tack-free. Dummy Page or set of pages assembled in the exact position, form and style desired for the finished piece of printed work.
Duotone Two-color halftone reproduction from black-and-white original. Duplex Laminated paper having a different color or finish on each side.
Dusting The accumulation of loose particles from the paper on the nonimage areas of the blanket. Dye An ink colorant that is soluble in vehicle or solvent. Dye Transfer Similar in appearance to a color photograph but different in the important respect that it is produced from a transparency by printing continuous tones of color dyes. Dylux A stable print specially sensitized on two-sided papers for proofing. Will Sheeter Continuous automatic cut-size sheeter, ream wrapper, ream labeler, ream accumulator, case packer, lidder, bander and palletizer.
EPA The U. Electronic Color Scanner High speed computer, which instantly calculates the necessary color correction by measuring the original copy. Electronic Printing In digital printing, any technology that reproduces pages without the use of traditional ink, water or chemistry.
Elliptical Dot In halftone photography, elongated dots, which give improved gradation of tones particularly in middle tomes and vignettes – also called chain dots. EM In composition, a unit of measurement exactly as wide and high as the point sizes being set. Embossed Finish A finish imparted to a web of paper through an embossing machine. Embossing Impressing an image in relief to achieve a raised surface; either over printing or on a blank paper called blind embossing.
EN In composition, one-half the width of an em. Encapsulated PostScript EPS In digital prepress, a file format used to transfer graphic images within compatible applications. End-Leaf Paper Strong, fine quality papers, either plain or coated and sometimes colored or marbled used at both ends of a book. Engraving Printing by the intaglio process. F Fadeout Halftone A general reduction in the overall contrast of a halftone, to allow type to be easily readable when printed over it.
Fake Duotone A two-color reproduction, using single halftone negative, usually blank, and a halftone screen tint for the background, usually in color. Fanfold Continuous multiple ply form manufactured from a single wide web which is folded longitudinally. Fanout In printing, distortion of paper on the press due to waviness in the paper caused by absorption of moisture at the edges of the paper, particularly across the grain.
Fast-Drying Ink An ink that dries soon after printing. Feathering Tendency of an ink image to spread with a fuzzy, “feather like” edge. Feed Rollers On a printing press, the rubber wheels that move the sheets of paper from the feed pile to the grippers. Feeder The section of a printing press that separates the sheets and feeds them into position for printing.
Feet-Per-Minute Abbreviated FPM, this term refers usually to the speed of a papermaking machine in terms of how many feet per minute the forming web of paper traverses the length of the machine.
Felt Finish A finish applied to the paper at the wet end of the paper machine by using felts of a distinctive weave rather than standard or regular wove felts. Felt Side Top side of the paper, opposite from the wire side or underneath. The “right side of the paper”. Felt Woven, endless belt made of wool, cotton or synthetic materials used to transport the paper web on the paper machine, during manufacture.
Fiber Orientation Refers to the alignment of the fibers in the sheet. Fiber The small strands of wood, cotton or other cellulose product that is used to make the paper. Fibrillae String-like elements that are loosened from the paper fibers during the beating process.
Fibrillation Act of loosening the fibrillae during the mechanical process of beating the fibers in preparation for papermaking. Filler Minerals, such as clay and other white pigments, added to pulp to improve the opacity, smoothness, brightness, and printing capabilities of paper. Filling In A condition in offset lithography where ink fills the area between the halftone dots or plugs up the type; also known as plugging or filling up.
Fill Maximum width of paper that can be made on any given paper machine. Fine Papers Types of premium papers used for writing, printing, and cultural purposes.
Finishing Broke Discarded paper resulting from any finishing operation. First Color Down The first color printed as the sheet passes through the press. Flag A strip of paper protruding from a roll or skid of paper. Flash Exposure In halftone photography, the supplementary exposure given to strengthen the dots in the shadow areas of negatives. Flat Color Printing two or more colors without overlaying color dots i. Flatbed Press A press on which plates are positioned along a flat metal bed against which the paper is pressed by the impression cylinder, as compared to a rotary press which prints from curved plates.
Flatbed Scanner A device that scans images in a manner similar to a photocopy machine; the original art is positioned face down on a glass plate. Flexography Letterpress printing using a form of relief printing ; formally called aniline printing. Flop To reverse a negative or positive, to bring the underside out on top.
Flow The property of ink which causes it to level out when still a liquid; “short” inks have poor flow, and “long” inks have good flow. Fluorescent Inks Extremely brilliant inks containing fluorescent pigments. Flush Cover Cover of a book that has been trimmed to the same dimensions as the text papers. Flyleaf Unprinted page that is part of a printed signature.
It also can be a synonym for end-leaf. Fog An undesirable neutral density in the clear areas of a photographic film or paper, in which the image is either locally or entirely veiled by a deposit of silver. Foil A tissue-like material in sheet or roll form covered on one side with a metallic coloring used for stamping.
Folding Endurance A paper test which measures the number of double back and forth folds that can be made on a sheet of paper under tension, before it breaks.
Foldout A page that exceeds the dimensions of a single page. Folio Refers to sheet size 17×22 or larger. Also, page numbers. Foot The bottom of a page of printed information. Formation Refers to the uniformity or lack of it in the distribution of the fibers when manufacturing paper; can be observed by looking through the sheet; a good formation is uniform or “Close”, while a poor formation is not. Fountain Solution In lithography, a solution of water, a natural or synthetic gum and other chemicals used to dampen the plate and keep non-printing areas from accepting ink.
Fountain The unit on a press that contains ink to be fed to the distributing system, and the part that feeds the fountain solution to the dampening system. Four-Color Process The four basic colors of ink yellow, magenta, cyan, and black , which reproduce full-color photographs or art. Fourdrinier A paper machine developed by Louis Robert and financed by Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier that produces a continuous web of paper; also the term for the section of the paper machine, which is a continuous “wire” or belt screen, through which the first removal of water occurs.
Four-Sided Trim trim 4 After the job is printed and folded, a trim will be taken off all four sides to remove any reference or registration marks and give a clean edge to the pile of sheets.
For Position Only FPO In digital imaging, typically a low-resolution image positioned in a document to be replaced later with a higher resolution version of the same image.
Free-Sheet Paper made with pulp created in a kraft process that has removed the lignin. Newspaper is made with groundwood French Fold A sheet printed on one side and folded first vertically and then horizontally to produce a four-page folder. FSC – Forest Stewardship Council An independent, international, environmentally and socially oriented forest certification organization. Fuzz fluff Loose fibers projecting from a paper’s surface.
G Gang Printing Grouping related jobs using same paper and inks. Grouping more than one job on a single plate. Gatefold A four-page insert, having foldouts on either side of the center spread. GCR Gray Component Replacement Gear Streaks In printing, parallel streaks appearing across the printed sheet at same interval as gear teeth on the cylinder.
Generation Each succeeding stage in reproduction from original copy. Genuine Watermark Watermark made with a dandy roll. Ghost Halftone A light halftone that may be overprinted with solid copy. Ghosting Ghost images are unwanted images that reduce print value. Gild To cover the trimmed edges of a book with gold or other metallic leaf.
Glass Brief or magnifying glass. Gloss Ink An ink containing an extra quantity of varnish, which gives a glossy appearance when dry. Glued-On Cover A cover fastened to the text with glue. Gluing Off The process of applying glue to the spine of a book to be casebound, after sewing and smashing, and before trimming. Grade The classification given to paper due to its unique characteristics, which includes brightness, opacity, cotton content, etc… Grain Direction The direction of the fibers in paper.
Grain Long Term used to designate that the grain of the paper is parallel to the longest measurement of a sheet of paper. Grain Short Opposite of grain long. Grainy Printing Printing characterized by unevenness, particularly of halftones. Graphic Designer A person in the graphic arts who puts together art, text, and other visuals to produce professional printed results.
Gravure An intaglio printing process in which the image area is etched below the surface of the printing plate and is transferred directly to the paper by means of pressure. Gray Balance The dot values or densities of cyan, magenta, and yellow that produce a neutral gray. Gray Level The number of gray values that can be distinguished by a color separation filter-usually 2 8 or Gray Scale A strip of standard gray tones, ranging from white to black, placed at the side of original copy during photography to measure tonal range and contrast gamma obtained.
Gripper A row of clips that holds a sheet of paper as it speeds through the press. Gripper Edge Leading edge of a sheet of paper as it passes through the printing press. Groundwood Paper made from pulp created in one of several processes that use virtually the whole tree.
Gross Weight The total weight of merchandise and shipping container. Guide Edge The edge of a printed sheet at right angles to the gripper edge, which travels along a guide on the press or folder.
Guide Marks A method of using crossline marks on the offset press plate to indicate trim, centering of the sheet, centering of the plate, etc.
Guide Roller Sometimes called a cocking roller. Guide Side The side the press uses to guide the sheet to the exact side toward the operator; also known as operator or control side. Guillotine Device that is used to cut or trim stacks of paper to the desired size.
Gum Streaks Streaks, particularly in halftones, produced by uneven gumming of plates which partially desensitizes the image. Gumming In platemaking, the process of applying a thin coating of gum to the non-printing areas of a lithographic plate. Gutter The blank space or inner margin on a press sheet from printing area to binding. Halation In photography, a blurred effect, resembling a halo, usually occurring in the highlight areas or around bright objects.
Half Binding A style of binding wherein the shelf-back and the corners are bound in a different material from that used on the sides. Halftone Negative Artwork screened negative The negative film produced when continuous-tone artwork is shot through a halftone screen. Halftone Positive Artwork screened positive A photographic positive containing a halftone image. Halftone Screen An engraved glass through which continuous tone copy is photographed and reduced to a series of dots for halftone printing.
Halftone The reprographic technique that simulates continuous tone imagery through the use of dots, varying either in size or in spacing, thus generating a gradient-like effect.
Handmade Finish Paper with a rough finish resembling handmade paper. Hard dot A halftone dot characterized by a sharp, clean cut edge. Hardbound Another term for casebound. Hardcover casebound, edition binding Nonflexible book binding made of thick, glazed board. Hard-Sized Paper that has been treated with a large amount of size to increase its resistance to moisture. Hard-Wood Wood from deciduous trees having short fibers. Head Trim The amount allowed for the top trim.
Headband A small strip of silk or cotton used for decoration at the top of a book between the sheets and the cover. Headbox On a paper machine, the box that dispenses the appropriate amount of furnish pulp into the papermaking process. Head The top of a page of text which can be a chapter heading, title line, etc… Head-to-Head Imposition An imposition which requires that pages be laid out with the top of a page head positioned across the top of the page head opposite it on the form.
Head-to-Tail Imposition An imposition which requires that pages be laid out with the top of a page head positioned across the from the bottom tail of the page opposite on the form. Heat-Set Inks Inks used in high-speed web offset.
They set rapidly under heat and are quickly chilled. Hickeys In offset, spots or imperfections in the printed image traceable to such things as dirt on the press, dried ink skin, paper particles, dust, etc… High Bulk A paper normally book paper specifically manufactured to retain a thickness not found in papers of the same basis weight. High Contrast In photography, describes a reproduction in which the difference in darkness between neighboring areas is greater than in the original.
High Finish A term referring to a paper that has a smooth, hard finish applied through calendering or other processes. High Key Picture A continuous tone photo made up of predominantly highlight white areas. Highlight Halftone The lightest or whitest parts in a photograph represented in a halftone reproduction by the smallest dots or the absence of all dots. High-Speed Printer Computer which prints in excess of lines per minute. Hinges The flexible joint where the covers of a hardbound book meet the spine, permitting the covers to open without breaking the spine of the book or breaking the signatures apart.
Hit An impression from a stamping die. Holdout A term referring to papers that retain much of the resinous ink components on the surface of the sheet rather than absorbing them into a fiber network. Hue In color, the main attribute of a color which distinguishes it from other colors.
See Chroma. Humidity Moisture condition of the air. His research interests revolve around investigating immune regulation and dysregulation in the context of HIV infection or exposure. He focuses on Immune ontogeny in HIV exposed infants, placental investigations and pre-term birth, and epithelial immunity in the foreskin.
Her Research Unit is involved with clinical research, epidemiology and operational research, and is a treatment site for HIV infected adults and children. Her research interests include HIV vaccine research, microbicide research and other biomedical and behavioural interventions, and she is an investigator in testing two HIV vaccine regimens in late stage clinical development. It’s simple and easy to use; Customizable – turn on and off the sound; It’s a completely free name generator or, as we like to call it, a free online spinner available for everyoneHalftonePro – Vector Halftone Pattern Generator HalftonePro is a graphic design tool that creates vector halftone patterns from image or gradient.
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This bar displays the Halftone screen size as a percentage that is applied across an image. A Halftone screen is the size and positioning of the dots that make up a Halftone. Drag your finger right to increase the size of the Halftone applied across the image. Drag left again to reduce. With artwork from the hit animated movie, Ice Age. Available in an adult and kids t-shirt, premium t-shirt, long sleeve tee, and hoodie. Overview Key:. Improved performance with: New.
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Full Save or Export List Publisher template. Workspaces and Workflows Easy setup with New Document dialog for desktop only Thumbnail-based Presets for different types of output, e. Web Create your own custom page presets Access Photo templates. Non-Destructive Editing Live, editable filters, adjustments, layer fx, and blend modes See effects, blend modes and adjustments instantly, no lag Apply to any image layer, group—even to vector art Edit any time, make changes without using Undo Edit blend modes per layer, per adjustment, per filter, object etc.
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This End-User License Agreement “EULA” is a legal agreement between you and True Grit Texture Supply governing the terms of use of the digital content including software add-ons, brushes, swatches, color palettes, graphic styles, actions, effects, templates, vector files and texture images collectively “Graphic Assets” that you are downloading or purchasing from True Grit Texture Supply, for yourself, your company, or your employer hereafter collectively referred to as “you” or “The Licensee”.
Please read this entire document before agreeing to be bound. By purchasing the Graphic Assets, you agree to the terms of this agreement. Upon purchase of the Graphic Assets, you are granted a non-exclusive, terminable, and non-transferable license to use the Graphic Assets per the following terms and conditions. You may not exceed the scope of this License.
Use of the Graphic Assets is explicitly limited to the number of Users selected at the time of purchase and displayed on your receipt as the product quantity. You must purchase a license that covers each user who will install or use the Graphic Assets. Each user can install or use the Graphic Assets on up to two devices e.
If you are a company purchasing a multi-user license for your employees, your employees must use the Graphic Assets subject to the terms of this Agreement. You must notify all employees who will use the Graphic Assets of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and you are responsible for any misuse of the Graphic Asset s by your employees.
You are responsible for ensuring your device s meet the minimum requirements to install and use the Graphic Assets. Installable Graphic Assets such as Brushes, Actions, Patterns, Graphic Styles, Macros, Swatches and Color Palettes may only be installed in apps the product is designed for, and expressly indicated on the product page at the time of purchase.
For example. Photoshop brushes are licensed for use only in Adobe Photoshop and compatible Adobe iPad applications and may not be installed in any other app such as Gimp, Krita, Pixelmator, Affinity or Procreate, even where such apps are theoretically compatible with the Installable Graphic Assets.
Image-based bitmap Graphic Assets such as texture images. True Grit Texture Supply does not warrant compatibility with applications other than those versions indicated on the Graphic Assets individual product pages.
Use of the Graphic Assets in the creation of printed and digital design works, rasterized images for web sites and otherwise for your personal use is permitted. If you design or create works for third parties, such as clients, you are considered a “Designer” and you may use the Graphic Assets to design or create design works for third parties, subject to the uses and limitations described in this Agreement, and providing that you notify those third parties of those obligations and restrictions in writing.
You are permitted to keep a single backup copy of licensed Graphic Assets in the cloud, locally on a desktop, laptop or mobile device, or on a studio server provided you are the only party who maintains or has access to this backup copy. Licensee may only upload the Graphic Asset to i a non-public server owned and controlled by Licensee or ii a non-public cloud storage service, cloud-based design app, or digital asset manager, account controlled by Licensee, in each case for use of the Graphic Asset by Licensee only, in accordance with the number of users governed by section 1.
Licensee is not permitted to sub-license or provide a copy of the Graphic Assets in their original form to any service provider or agents such as a graphic designer, commercial printer, web developer, or independent contractor who is working on behalf of the Licensee. Such service providers must purchase a license separately. If you wish to claim a refund, you must a certify that no copy of the Graphic Assets remains in your possession or control and b provide proof of a valid sale and a valid sales receipt from True Grit Texture Supply.
All claims for a refund must be made within one 1 week of purchase and are at the discretion of True Grit Texture Supply. Licensee may not assert any ownership in the Graphic Asset itself nor any right to revenue from a collecting society in respect of photocopying, digital copying or other secondary uses of the Graphic Asset. Any reference to the “purchase” or “sale” or similar terms of the Graphic Asset refers to the purchase of a limited license only and not the purchase of the underlying copyright or work itself.
Except as stated herein, this Agreement does not grant you any rights to trademark or any other intellectual property rights in the Graphic Asset. Any breach of the terms of this Agreement shall be cause for termination of this License.
In the event of termination, and without limitation of any remedies under law and equity, you agree to immediately return or destroy the Graphic Assets, at the discretion of True Grit Texture Supply and certify that no copy remains in your possession or control. Subject to the representations and warranties stated herein, the Font Software is provided “AS IS” and without obligation to you or other warranties of any kind.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold True Grit Texture Supply and their suppliers including any designers of the Graphic Assets harmless from and against any losses, damages, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, from any claim by a third party arising from or related to your breach of this Agreement or your act, error, or omission.
This EULA agreement, and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this EULA agreement, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Australia.
You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement and understand it and that by using the Graphic Assets, you will be bound by its terms and conditions. No variation of the terms of this Agreement or any different terms will be enforceable against True Grit Texture Supply unless without its express written consent.
In the event any collection or enforcement effort or any legal action is instituted by True Grit Texture Supply to interpret or enforce this Agreement, you will be responsible for paying reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by True Grit Texture Supply. True Grit Texture Supply expressly reserves the right to amend or modify this Agreement at any time and without prior notification. All transactions are processed in Australia. Your bank or financial institution may charge an international transaction fee even when a transaction is processed in your local currency.
Our commercial font license covers the use of our fonts by individuals, freelancers, creative agencies and organizations with less than million USD in annual revenue. The number of desktop users allowed to install and use a purchased Font is equal to the quantity chosen at the time of purchase and displayed on your receipt. When purchased as part of a multi-product bundle the Font is licensed for use by up to 3 desktop users. Use in print-on-demand or design-it-yourself software or services.
Any use exceeding the limits described in the Allowed Uses section above. Upon purchase of the Font Software, you are granted a non-exclusive, terminable, and non-transferable license to use the Font Software per the following terms and conditions.
Use of the Font Software is explicitly limited to the number of Desktop Users selected at the time of purchase and displayed on your receipt. When purchased as part of a multi-product bundle or unless otherwise stated, the Font Software is licensed for use by up to 3 desktop users. You must purchase a license that covers each user who will use the Font Software. If you are a company purchasing a multi-user license for your employees, your employees must use the Font Software subject to the terms of this Agreement.
You must notify all employees who will use the Font Software of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and you are responsible for any misuse of the Font Software by your employees. You are responsible for ensuring your device meets the minimum requirements to install and use the Font Software. Use of the Font Software in the creation of printed and digital design works, rasterized images for web sites and otherwise for your personal use is permitted.
If you design or create works for third parties, such as clients, you are considered a “Designer” and you may use the Font Software to design or create design works for third parties, subject to the uses and limitations described in this Agreement, and providing that you notify those third parties of those obligations and restrictions in writing.
You may not allow any third party to use your copy of the Font Software. You are permitted to keep a single backup copy of licensed Font Software in the cloud, locally on a desktop, laptop or mobile device, or on a studio server provided you are the only party who maintains or has access to this backup copy.
Licensee may only upload the Font Software to i a non-public server owned and controlled by Licensee or ii a non-public cloud storage service, cloud-based design app, or digital asset manager, account controlled by Licensee, in each case for the use of the Font Software by Licensee only, in accordance with the number of users governed by section 1.
The Licensee may temporarily provide a single copy of the Font Software to a service provider or agents such as a graphic designer, commercial printer, web developer, or independent contractor who is working on behalf of the Licensee. The Agents temporarily using the Font Software will be treated as licensed, providing the maximum number of desktop users specified on the Licensees receipt will not be exceeded. If the maximum number of desktop users allowed have already been allocated, the service provider must purchase a license separately.
The Font Software may be exchanged only if defective. If you wish to claim a refund, you must a certify that no copy of the Font Software remains in your possession or control and b provide proof of a valid sale and a valid sales receipt from True Grit Texture Supply.
Licensee may not assert any ownership in the Font Software itself nor any right to revenue from a collecting society in respect of photocopying, digital copying or other secondary uses of the Font Software. Any reference to the “purchase” or “sale” or similar terms of the Font Software refers to the purchase of a limited license only and not the purchase of the underlying copyright or work itself. Except as stated herein, this Agreement does not grant you any rights to trademark or any other intellectual property rights in the Font Software or in any typeface design.
In the event of termination, and without limitation of any remedies under law and equity, you agree to immediately return or destroy the Font Software, at the discretion of True Grit Texture Supply and certify that no copy remains in your possession or control.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold True Grit Texture Supply and their suppliers including any designers of the Font Software harmless from and against any losses, damages, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, from any claim by a third party arising from or related to your breach of this Agreement or your act, error, or omission.
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Brushes that bridge the gap between analog and digital. More by RetroSupply Co. View profile. Like Link. Easy free halftone software. I have been playing around with this program for about a week now. It works pretty well. Should have some vids of the carving up later this week.
Been playing with that program since the days of the Shapeoko. It works very well once you get a handle on how to set it up. Generate colorful halftone drawings from your photos online. It can take a minute to get the design effect result, so please wait.
The more you increase the halftone size, the more you turn subtle the effect of this parameter. If you use big halftone sizes for small input images, probably you will. Get 5-star service and a money back guarantee. Beat Tones Halftone Brushes for Photoshop. Download 48 Blurred Fonts. Halftone Poster – in : Blurred. Halftone Poster Friends, today’s freebie is a set of 16 halftone tileable patterns in. PAT and. PNG formats. I have manually created these simple halftone patterns and they vary the dots in different sizes to give you the most different texturing effect.
There are a number of uses with these resources. MathesonHarris June 7, , am 1. I just finished my x-carve and the project I’ve been really wanting to start with was these CNC halftone images, done with a v-bit, such as this one: There are few different programs out there, but this DXF Halftone seems the most promising. The 2.
Our antivirus analysis shows that this download is malware free. The most popular version among Halftone users is 2. Illustration about vernietigd, beschadigd, corruptie, verdrijf, opgelost, dissipatie, spreiding. This set of halftone texture brushes contains 12 Photoshop Brushes with a range of dot patterns, including Fine, Light, Heavy and Dark, each with 3 size options. Each brush is also pen pressure sensitive, so graphics tablet users can alter the size of the brush according to how hard they press down.
Paint these halftone textures over the dark. Colorito, fondo, halftone – scarica questa licenza gratis Vettore in pochi secondi. Nessuna iscrizione necessaria. Halftone vectors and PSD free download. Looking for Halftone psd free or illustration?
His research has centered on understanding the mechanisms by which the human immune system recognises the Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. His work has a strong translational component, asking if both classically and non-classically restricted T cells are associated with infection with M. The translational significance of this research is centred on informing the development of novel vaccines and diagnostics for childhood TB.
Her current research focuses on HIV broadly neutralising antibodies and their interplay with the evolving virus. Royalty- Free Vector.
Download preview. Halftone dotted pattern as a background. Free Halftone Dots Textures on Behance. This bar displays the Halftone screen size as a percentage that is applied across an image. A Halftone screen is the size and positioning of the dots that make up a Halftone.
Drag your finger right to increase the size of the Halftone applied across the image. Drag left again to reduce. With artwork from the hit animated movie, Ice Age. Available in an adult and kids t-shirt, premium t-shirt, long sleeve tee, and hoodie. Free Vector Halftone – 62 royalty free vector graphics and clipart matching halftone.
Make a new file or open an image. In the top menu, Max Radius dictates the size of the dots; the higher the number, the bigger the dots. Het Interceptor Halftone Italic-lettertype is een uitstekende keuze om de bekendheid in uw project te vergroten. Use in print-on-demand or design-it-yourself software or services. Any use exceeding the limits described in the Allowed Uses section above. Upon purchase of the Font Software, you are granted a non-exclusive, terminable, and non-transferable license to use the Font Software per the following terms and conditions.
Use of the Font Software is explicitly limited to the number of Desktop Users selected at the time of purchase and displayed on your receipt. When purchased as part of a multi-product bundle or unless otherwise stated, the Font Software is licensed for use by up to 3 desktop users. You must purchase a license that covers each user who will use the Font Software.
If you are a company purchasing a multi-user license for your employees, your employees must use the Font Software subject to the terms of this Agreement. You must notify all employees who will use the Font Software of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and you are responsible for any misuse of the Font Software by your employees. You are responsible for ensuring your device meets the minimum requirements to install and use the Font Software.
Use of the Font Software in the creation of printed and digital design works, rasterized images for web sites and otherwise for your personal use is permitted. If you design or create works for third parties, such as clients, you are considered a “Designer” and you may use the Font Software to design or create design works for third parties, subject to the uses and limitations described in this Agreement, and providing that you notify those third parties of those obligations and restrictions in writing.
You may not allow any third party to use your copy of the Font Software. You are permitted to keep a single backup copy of licensed Font Software in the cloud, locally on a desktop, laptop or mobile device, or on a studio server provided you are the only party who maintains or has access to this backup copy. Licensee may only upload the Font Software to i a non-public server owned and controlled by Licensee or ii a non-public cloud storage service, cloud-based design app, or digital asset manager, account controlled by Licensee, in each case for the use of the Font Software by Licensee only, in accordance with the number of users governed by section 1.
The Licensee may temporarily provide a single copy of the Font Software to a service provider or agents such as a graphic designer, commercial printer, web developer, or independent contractor who is working on behalf of the Licensee. The Agents temporarily using the Font Software will be treated as licensed, providing the maximum number of desktop users specified on the Licensees receipt will not be exceeded.
If the maximum number of desktop users allowed have already been allocated, the service provider must purchase a license separately. The Font Software may be exchanged only if defective. If you wish to claim a refund, you must a certify that no copy of the Font Software remains in your possession or control and b provide proof of a valid sale and a valid sales receipt from True Grit Texture Supply.
Licensee may not assert any ownership in the Font Software itself nor any right to revenue from a collecting society in respect of photocopying, digital copying or other secondary uses of the Font Software. Any reference to the “purchase” or “sale” or similar terms of the Font Software refers to the purchase of a limited license only and not the purchase of the underlying copyright or work itself. Except as stated herein, this Agreement does not grant you any rights to trademark or any other intellectual property rights in the Font Software or in any typeface design.
In the event of termination, and without limitation of any remedies under law and equity, you agree to immediately return or destroy the Font Software, at the discretion of True Grit Texture Supply and certify that no copy remains in your possession or control. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold True Grit Texture Supply and their suppliers including any designers of the Font Software harmless from and against any losses, damages, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, from any claim by a third party arising from or related to your breach of this Agreement or your act, error, or omission.
You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement and understand it and that by using the Font Software, you will be bound by its terms and conditions. We’ve sent you an email with a link to update your password. Forgot password. New account. It is sometimes referred to as offset lithography or photo-offset. The amount of “show through” in a sheet from one side to the other. The higher the opacity the less likely that the printing on one side will be visible from the other side. The more opaque a sheet of paper is, the less transparent it is.
High opacity in printing papers is a good characteristic as print from the other side of a printed leaf has less “show-through”. Optical brighteners or fluorescent dyes are extensively used to make high, bright blue-white papers. They absorb invisible ultraviolet light and convert to visible light, falling into the blue to violet portion of the spectrum, which is then reflected back to our eyes. A dye that is added to the fiber stock or applied to the paper surface at the size press to enhance its brightness.
Paper rolls that are not suitable for the web offset press because they are not perfectly round and will cause uneven feeding tension. Refers to paper that has been trimmed improperly thus causing the corners to be less or more than 90 degrees.
This leads to difficulty during the printing process and often results in misregister of the printed piece. Also called off-square. Describes printing when too much ink has been used, resulting in heavy print that tends to blur toward the back of the press sheet. Packing the plate or blanket to a level that is excessively above the level of the cylinder bearer.
Quantity of paper that is manufactured beyond the quantity specified. In printing, copies printed in excess of the specified quantity. A chemical reaction which hardens the ink vehicle and makes the film of ink reasonably rub-proof. The process of combining with oxygen. In printing presses, the paper or other material used to underlay a press blanket or plate, to bring the surface to the desired height; the method of adjusting squeeze pressure.
In stripping, assembly of all elements to make up a page. In digital imaging, the electronic assembly of page elements to compose a complete page with all elements in place on a video display terminal and on film or plate. A wooden platform with stringers wide enough to allow a fork lift to drive into it and lift; used to pack cartons for shipment, if specified by the customer. Pallets are usually not reusable.
Measure of the printability of a sheet of paper which is dependent upon the amount of ink the paper absorbs, the smoothness of its surface, and the evenness of its caliper. A paper used for greeting cards, stationery, etc…which is distinctive from regular stock in that special watermarks and embossing may be used.
Pasted grades are those grades of paper or paperboard made up of layers pasted together. The process is machine operation used to combine sheets of the same or different papers into a single thickness. Those inks that set-up faster and dry faster, usually from top to bottom. These inks are used when sheets have to be sent back through the press faster than normal drying time will allow.
Printing with four half-tone images at different screen angles using four different colors. Usually the four colors would have a color slant or cast towards a selected tone or color; for example a sepia-tone or overall brown slant or cast. Today it is usually referred to as cotton fiber paper. It is made from cotton cuttings and linters. Pile of paper is ream marked by the insertion of small slips of paper or “ream markers” at intervals of every sheets. Scrap paper collected for remanufacturing into recycled paper.
Printing waste and envelope trip are also recovered fiber. This means the product can be recycled. This applies to most paper even if it is coated, waxed or other wise treated. Paper made at least in part from recovered fibers. There is no universally acceptable definition so requirements vary by specific circumstances.
EPA requires post consumer content in recycled papers purchased by federal agencies. But the FTC does not require post-consumer content in papers labeled recycled. In Canada most companies use the terra-choice definition for recycle which does require minimum levels of post-consumer fiber.
In printing inks, varnishes, solvents, oily or greasy compounds used to reduce the consistency for printing. In photography, chemicals used to reduce the density of negative or positive images or the size of halftone dots dot etching. In photography, illustrative copy that is viewed and must be photographed by light reflected from its surface.
Examples are photographs, drawings, etc…. In printing, register is the placement of two or more images on the same paper in such a manner as to make them in perfect alignment with each other. When a printing job is in exact register succeeding forms or colors can be printed in the correct position relative to the images already printed on the sheet. Mark placed on a form to assist in proper positioning of after-printing operations. Two short lines at right angles are called an angle mark.
Also, bulls-eye marks placed on camera-ready copy to assist in registration of subsequent operations. Alignment of one element of a form in relation to another.
Also, alignment of printed images upon the same sheet of paper. The amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere expressed as a percentage of the maximum that could be present at the same temperature.
The ability to keep photo film and the images thereon in proper register. Repeatability is usually measured in micrometers. In lithography, a term denoting that the ink does not adhere to the metal ink rollers on a press.
Printing press in which the plate is wrapped around a cylinder. There are two types, direct and indirect. Direct presses print with a plate cylinder and an impression cylinder. Indirect rotary presses sheet-fed offset presses combine a plate cylinder, a blanket cylinder and an impression cylinder. Intaglio process. The image is below the surface of the plate.
Letterhead image is raised the offset image is flat. Not the same as printability. Binding process for pamphlets or booklets, which works by stapling through the middle fold of the sheets saddle wire. The process and the resulting line or crease mechanically impressed in the paper to facilitate folding while guarding against cracking of paper and board.
Scoring is essential when heavyweight papers are to be folded. The ruling used to determine the dots per unit area in developing tonal values in the printed piece. Screens from which letterpress halftones of photographs are made range from 60 lines-per-inch for printing on newsprint to lines for printing on coated paper and premium uncoated paper. Offset halftones for printing on most surfaces range from lines to lines. In color reproduction, angles at which the halftone screens are placed with relation to one another, to avoid undesirable moire patterns.
This printing process uses a screen of fine-mesh silk thus the common name silk screen printing taughtly stretched across a frame. A squeegee drawn across the screen forces ink through the open image areas which are cut-out by hand using lacquered tissue prior to its adherence to the silk.
Special photographic negatives are adhered to the screen when faithful reproduction of intricate designs are sought. The density difference between the highlight and shadow areas of copy that a halftone screen can reproduce without a flash exposure. A halftone film having a uniform dot size over its area, and rated by its approximate printing dot size value, such as 20 percent, 50 percent, etc.
See rub-off, The disrupted appearance of an ink film as a result of abrasion to either the wet or dry ink film. A term referring to the press plate picking up ink in the nonprinting areas for a variety of reasons, basically due to spots or areas not remaining desensitized. Term often applied to cut size sheets which are packaged “ream sealed”, sheets to the package. Process of allowing paper to adjust to atmospheric conditions of the plant in which it will be used.
A cover for mechanical binding that is a single piece scored and slotted or punched for combining with the mechanical binding device, formatting a closed backbone on bound units. In platemaking, the distance from the front edge of the press plate to the image area, to allow for clamping to the cylinder and also for the gripper margin. The undesirable transfer of ink from freshly printed sheets of paper to another. Also called off-set. A sheet drawn in Plate Prep on the Craftsman table from computer specifications; used as a master for the layout and positioning of pages on the job for which it was drawn.
A popular style of bookbinding; in which the signatures are gathered in sequence and then sewn individually in 8s, 16s, or 32s. The sewing threads are visible at the center of each signature. Strips of reinforcing cloth sewn to the spine of the book sections and extending slightly past the edge of the spine; used to strengthen the binding of a casebound book.
To decrease in color strength, as when halftone dots become smaller; opposite of dot spread or dot gain. Term which may be applied to a single sheet, a grade of paper, or a description of paper, i. Directly related to poor surface strength in that if the sheet has poor surface strength, delamination will occur in the printing process. Sheet delamination could also create a problem of a blanket smash. If the delamination is large enough and thick enough, as the press continues to run, it will create a depression in the blanket, so that when the delamination buildup is removed from the blanket the depression will remain, rendering the blanket unusable.
These defects pertain to both sheet-fed and web-fed equipment. In paper manufacture, rotary unit over which the web of paper passes to be cut into sheets. In printing, rotary knife at the delivery end of web press that slices press lengths.
To print one side of a sheet of paper with one plate, then turn the sheet over and print the other side with another plate using same gripper and opposite side guide.
Undercooked wood particles that are removed from the pulp before manufacture of paper begins. Sometimes shives will appear as imperfections in the finished sheets. In printing, the undesirable condition in which the printing on the reverse side of a sheet can be seen through the sheet under normal lighting conditions.
Decrease in the dimensions of a sheet of paper or loss incurred in weight between the amount of pulp used and paper produced. On sheet-fed presses, a guide on the feed board to position the sheet sideways as it feeds into the front guides before entering the impression cylinder.
A method of binding in which the folded signatures or cut sheets are stitched with wire along and through the side, close to the gutter margin. Pages cannot be fully opened to a flat position; also called side wire. Additive substances applied to the paper either internally through the beater or as a coating that improves printing qualities and resistance to liquids. Commonly used sizes are starch and latex.
Also used to ship materials, usually in cartons which have been strapped banded to the skid. Placing pieces of paper between folded sections prior to trimming four sides, to separate completed books. A combination dot gain and slur indicator supplied in positive or negative form.
It is a quality control device that shows at a glance dot gain or dot loss. It also demonstrates whether the gain or the loss occurs in contacting, platemaking, proofing or on the press. An area of a blanket that is no longer firm and resilient, and that gives a light impression in the center of a well printed area.
Usually caused by physical damage of the blanket at impression. The binding operation following sewing in which the folded and sewn sheets are compressed to tighten the fold free of air to make the front and back of the sheets the same thickness. A press condition in which the impression is slurred and unclear, because too much ink was used or sheets were handled or rubbed before the ink was dry. Prior to reaching the driers, the paper web is smoothed, if necessary, by two rolls working together.
The flatness of a sheet of paper, which generally determines the crispness of the image printed upon it. A method of fastening side-by-side signatures so that each is linked with thread to its neighbor, as well as saddlesewn through its own centerfold. Smyth-sewn books open flat. The stitching is on the back of the fold.
A camera term describing halation or fringe around the edge of a dot which is excessive and almost equals the area of the dot itself. In composition, type set without space leading between the lines. Spec’d copy gives details of items such as paper, bindery techniques, type, etc.
Paper or board that is manufactured, or subsequently converted, for a specific use. These grades usually cannot be used for anything other than their intended special purpose. The designer or printing production worker who determines the types of paper to be used under various circumstances.
Sophisticated instrument that measures color across a visible spectrum and produces data describing the color of a given sample in terms of the three parameters in color space.
The complete range of colors in the rainbow, from short wavelengths blue to long wavelengths red. Smallest visible point that can be displayed or printed. The smallest diameter of light that a scanner can detect, or an image-setter or printer can image. Dot should not be confused with spot. Press varnish applied to a portion of the sheet, as opposed to an overall application of the varnish. Fine opaquing such as in removing pinholes or other small transparent defects in a negative; also called Opaquing.
A term used to describe paper that has been seasoned so that the moisture content is the same as the air surrounding it. Pressing a design onto a book cover using metal foil, colored foil, or ink, applied with metal dies. Terms used to indicate the manufactured specifications of a paper.
Includes color, basis weight, sheet dimensions, and grain direction. An electrical charge frequently found in paper which is too dry or which has been affected by local atmospheric conditions. In printing presses , an attachment designed to remove the static electricity from the paper to avoid ink setoff and trouble with feeding the paper. In multiple imposition on a lithographic press plate, the procedure of repeating the exposure of a flat by stepping it along the gripper edge; side-by-side exposure.
In multiple imposition on a lithographic press plate, the procedure of repeating the exposure of a flat by stepping it back from the gripper edge of the plate; up-and-down exposure. A popular method of sewing the signatures of a book together by stitching all the sheets at one time, either through the center of the inserted sheets or side-stitched from front to back.
A very strong style of binding but not flexible as compared with sewing. A digital screening process that converts images into very small dots microns of equal size and variable spacing.
Second order screened images have variable size dots and variable spacing. Also called Frequency Modulated FM screening. General term with many meanings. Papers manufactured in popular sizes, weights, colors, etc. Paper distributor that stocks in his own warehouse facilities enough paper to immediately fill anticipated orders in the market. This eliminates the delay of ordering from the paper manufacturer, taking delivery, and delivering to the customer.
An application of opaque to photographic negatives; also the application of special lacquer to protect areas in positives in dot etching; staging of halftone plates during relief etching; protecting certain areas of deep-etched plates so that no ink will be deposited on the protected areas. A type of press feeder that keeps several sheets of paper, overlapping each other, moving toward the grippers.
Stretch properties are essential for paper to fold well and to resist stress in use. Stretch resistance is measured on tensile testing instruments.
An envelope made with two reinforced paper buttons, one on the flap and the other on the back of the envelope. To close, a string which is locked under the flap button is wound alternately around the two buttons.
Device that removes water from the paper machine by a suction action located beneath the wire at the wet end. Alkaline process of cooking pulp also known as the kraft process. Wood chips are cooked to a high brightness without fiber degradation in a substance of sodium sulfate and sodium sulfide. Alternating rolls of highly polished steel and compressed cotton in a stack. During the process the paper is subjected to the heated steel rolls and “ironed” by the compressed cotton rolls.
It imparts a high, gloss finish to the paper. Super calender stacks are not an inherent part of the paper machine whereas the calender rolls are. One of the two basic types of lithographic press plates; a colloid image is formed on the light-sensitized metal plate by the action of actinic light passing through photographic negatives.
Term applied to paper that has been sized by applying a sizing agent when the web of paper is partially dry. Purpose is to increase resistance to ink penetration. Also called overprint. Same as sample book. A grouping of papers, usually in bound form, that displays the weights, colors, finishes and other particulars of a collection of papers to aid in the selection of grades. Abbreviation indicating that the paper has been guillotine trimmed on all four sides.
Literal translation: trimmed four sides. A file format for graphics suited for representing scanned images and other large bitmaps. TIFF is a neutral format designed for compatibility with all applications. Includes both virgin and post-consumer fibers that are bleached without any chlorine containing compounds.
The ability of a paper to resist tearing when subjected to rigorous production demands of manufacturing, printing, binding and its conversion from flat sheets into envelopes, packaging materials, etc.
Tensile strength relates to the stress and strain to which paper is subjected in its many end use applications. It is defined as the maximum force required to break a paper strip of a given width under prescribed laboratory conditions.
Tensile strength is usually defined as pounds-per-inch width of the testing strip, or as kilograms per millimeter width. Tensile strength is measured in both the grain and cross-grain directions, however, it is always greater in the grain direction. A general term applied to various grades of printing paper designed for deluxe printed booklets, programs, announcements and advertising. Letterpress printing in which a special ink, while still wet, is dusted with a resinous powder.
Then the sheets are baked fusing the powder with the ink, giving it a raised effect. Made by steaming wood chips prior to and during refining, producing a higher yield and stronger pulp than regular groundwood. Printing plate with customized surfaces to print solid colors or patterns, stipple line or dot arrangements in tints of inks. Tint blocks are also used to deepen colors in an illustration.
An all-over color tint on the press sheet in the nonimage area of the sheet, caused by ink pigment dissolving in the dampening solution. Chemical substance used as loading or coating material to increase the whiteness and brightness of a sheet and contribute to its opacity.
Designates the felt side of a sheet of paper. The top side of a sheet is the side not against the wire during manufacture. A printing ink which does not conceal the color beneath.
Process inks are transparent so that they will blend to form other colors. The ability to print a wet ink film over previously printed ink.
Dry trapping is printing wet ink on dry paper or over dry ink. Wet trapping is printing wet ink over previously printed wet ink. Sizing added to the surface of paper by passing a web through a tub or bath of sizing, removing the excess, and drying. In printing presses, a device for stopping or tripping the press when more than one sheet attempts to feed into the grippers. Operating System iOS 12 or above.
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